Qballjos/Voron-2.4-Otopus-pro-SB2209-U2C-CAN - GitHub
Voron 2.4 R2 with ,Stealthburner, Voron Tap, Bambu lab Hotend. Octopus pro with TMC2209 UART, EBB SB2209 v1.0 and U2C v2.1 running klipper
Voron 2.4 SB2209(rp2040) ,Btt oct , U2c bridge configuration?
2024年10月7日 · In your case, this could be either the Octopus, in CAN bridge mode, or the U2C. I would have a read of this guide - https://canbus.esoterical.online/Getting_Started.html and see which method appeals to you.
Formbot-voron-2.4-build-guide/guide.md at main · Zev-se
Formbot Voron 2.4 kits are generally a good value (high quality, inexpensive) and include several commonly desireable Mods, so their build process differs from official Voron. This divergence is poorly documented by Formbot, and links to this Guide from their product page.
BIGTREETECH U2C is a USB to CAN bus module, which can convert the USB port of Raspberry Pi to the CAN bus, and connect 3D printing motherboard, BIGTREETECH EBB35/36/42 CAN and other products through CAN bus.
Stealthburner EBB 2209 RP2040 Kinky probe wiring | VORON Design
2024年9月3日 · Voron 2.4 SB2209 (rp2040) ,Btt oct , U2c bridge configuration? Just purchased the can board for stealth burner. I am happy with my klicky probe set up but I cannot find any instructions on where to wire the existing...
bit4woo/u2c: Unicode To Chinese -- U2C - GitHub
Unicode 转中文 的burp suite插件. GitHub: https://github.com/bit4woo/u2c. Download: https://github.com/bit4woo/u2c/releases. 前五个版本使用自定义的图形界面,是在原始请求响应的基础上修改数据包,然后进行展示。 这样有个坏处就是可能破坏响应包在浏览器等终端的展示,可能出现乱码。 虽然设计了图像界面进行控制,但是也不够灵活简洁。 前五个版本算是走了冤枉路,但也是由于有前五个版本,才有了下面的第六版。 完全重写,使用新的tab来展示转码后的 …
Voron 2.4 r2 CAN bus not working - General Discussion - Klipper
2024年4月1日 · After that I connected the U2C board to the pi and the Octopus to the U2C’s USB. For configuring the U2C I found several instructions pointing out to use either Candlelight firmware from a BTT fork or Klipper USB-to-CAN bus bridge.
Voron Mods
Comprehensive index of all the mods listed in the VoronUsers repo, searchable by keyword, sortable by download count and more. See pictures, read the docs, and download the files all from one place.
Bigtreetech U2C & EBB42 Canbus board firmware - Voron 2
2022年10月11日 · Turns out the U2C firmware has no fixed speed setting. I just had to change the firmware on the EBB42 to 500K and set the communication file on the Pi to 500K as well and it working! In my search I found a link to: https://canable.io/updater/canable1.html in a YouTube video showing how he used this website to upload the candlelight firmware to ...
Question Problems with CAN on a BTT Pi with U2C Module and …
2024年5月11日 · Hey Guys, so I wanted to impement CAN-Bus on my Voron 2.4. As mentioned in the title, I'm using a BTT Pi and the fitting U2C Module. I tried to follow the...