Astral body - Wikipedia
The astral body is a subtle body posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental body, composed of a subtle material. [1] In many recensions the …
Body of light - Wikipedia
The body of light, sometimes called the 'astral body' [a] or the 'subtle body,' [b] is a "quasi material" [1] aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, …
Astral Body - Theosophy Wiki
2023年11月25日 · Astral Body is a term used to refer to one or more of the subtle bodies of human beings. In early Theosophical literature it was usually applied to the Liṅga-śarīra, the …
2021年2月28日 · 星光体(Astral Body),是人的第四层气场 (能量体),从身体扩展出约15〜30 公分,详见《超视觉看到的气场》。 在鲁道夫•斯坦纳 (Rudolf Steiner)的著作里,星光体被译为星 …
The Question of The Etheric Body, Astral Body, and Other Bodies
In the article “Dialogues between The Two Editors: On Astral Bodies, or Doppelgangers,” H. P. Blavatsky provides brief explanations regarding three non-physical bodies possessed by the …
The 5 Koshas & 3 Bodies: Meaning, How To Transcend, & More
2023年4月14日 · 2. Astral (Subtle) Body . The astral or energetic body is the subtle body that underlies the physical body. Also known as Sukshma Sarira, the subtle body is the bridge …
Astral Body | Theosophy World
In early Theosophical literature it was often called the astral body, the astral man, or the Linga Sharīra. In all later writings, however, none of these terms are ever applied to the Etheric …
Astral Body: Energy, Travel & Spiritual Exploration
The astral body is a luminous, etheric double of the physical body. It serves as the vehicle of consciousness in the astral realm , allowing for travel beyond the physical world . It is often …
What is the Astral Body? – Energy Healing Institute
In the Astral (emotional) body, those chakras are delivering emotional energy. They are delivering the energy that you use for your emotions, so that you can create context and meaning out of …
What is Astral Body? - Definition from Yogapedia
2023年12月21日 · The astral body is a hypothesized spiritual counterpart to the physical human body that is said to exist on a different plane. According to yogic philosophy, humans have …