Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2 (also known as BF2) is the third installment in the Battlefield series and was developed by DICE. It was released on June 21, 2005 in North America. The console port of the game, Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, was released on October 24, 2005. A sequel, Battlefield 3, was developed...
BF2Hub automatically saves your essential Battlefield 2 data and makes your game playable in the same manner as if GameSpy had never closed. Learn more or download and install the …
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【游侠导读】近日有网友与我们分享了一段用虚幻4引擎重新制作的《战地2 (Battlefield 2)》卡坎德地图,喜欢《战地》的小伙伴们,让我们一起来看看吧!
Battlefield 2 - Steam Community
All copies of Battlefield 2 purchased on Steam come with the Special Forces expansion, as well as the Euro Forces and Armored Fury mini-expansions. To access them, please see the …
战地资源网 - 中国战地2模组及战地爱好者的创作和交流社区
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Guide - Download Battlefield 2 / Play online : r/Battlefield2 - Reddit
Nov 20, 2023 · Battlefield 2 is a 2005 PC game developed by DICE. The GameSpy shutdown closed the official multiplayer, but fan alternatives have kept the online active ever since with thousands playing weekly into 2021+. Check out the stickied thread or ask in the subreddit to get back to the battlefield with the fan-made projects BF2Hub or PlayBF2.
Battlefield 2 - Download
Dec 9, 2017 · Battlefield 2 (confusingly the third game in the series) is a first-person shooter set in a fictional conflict between superpowers in Asia and the Middle East. The game focuses on squad tactics and team play rather than solo action. 21st-century weapons and vehicles are carefully simulated to give the game a realistic feel.
《战地2》(Battlefield 2)是一款DICE工作室开发、由美国艺电于2005年发布的第一人称射击游戏,是“战地”系列游戏中的第3款作品。 该游戏背景首次由真实的历史战役转移到了虚构的现代军事战争,而玩家在游戏中使用的武器、载具等装备则来源于现实。
BF2 Battlelog - Downloads
Download the B2BF Launcher - The quick and easy way to get back on Battlefield 2!