2 BBY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
According to Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Maul final confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Twin Suns" happened thirty years after Kenobi first saw him on Tatooine. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates that event to …
2 BBY | Legacy Wiki | Fandom
Grand Admiral Thrawn is deployed to confront the growing rebellion. With the help of Sabine Wren, Wedge Antilles and Derek Klivian escape from Skystrike...
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Timeline of galactic history | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Midi-chlorians are birthed from the Wellspring of Life. They are microscopic symbiotic organisms in all living things that connect the Living Force —the energy of all life—to the Cosmic Force, allowing the will of the all-encompassing energy field known as …
2 BBY | SW1ki - Fandom
2 BBY covers events before the timeline of the game that include or impact game characters. For more information about what happened during this year see the 2 BBY article on Wookieepedia. A Rebel Fleet led by Captain Antilles attacked the shipyards …
2 BBY | STAR WARS: Tales of the Galaxy | Fandom
The following events took place in the year 2 BBY. To see the events, click here then click off the untitled tab and look at the list for the year.
2 BBY | Restore and Save Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
2 BBY General Information. Universe. Earth-Prime. Era(s) Imperial Era. Age(s) Reign of the Empire. Before. 3 BBY. Current. 2 BBY. After. 1 BBY. Dates in other dating systems. Year. 7975 in the Coruscant reckoning calendar. Year. 3275 LY in the Lothal Calendar. Year. 17 After the Formation of the Empire. Facts and statistics.
2 BBY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The following events took place in 2 BBY. The Ssi-ruuvi invasions began when the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium invaded the Wild Space world of G'rho, with arrangements by Emperor Palpatine.[6] Galen Marek sacrificed himself in his duel with Darth Sidious aboard the first Death Star.[4][1] Corellian System...
2 BBY - Beginning of the Galactic civil war in the legends ... - Reddit
Lore: The oppression and hegemony of the Galactic Empire at its height led to many systems yearning for freedom and values of the old Republic. From 19 BBY to 2 BBY imperial forces would only face weak and disorganised groups such as Separatist holdouts or …
2 BBY - Star Wars Fanon
The following events happened in 2 BBY. This year was known as Year 33 after the Great ReSynchronization. Darth Azazel secretly assassinates the entire Blue Sun Committee and takes control of the...