Detection of 2FAL Furanic Compound in Transformer Oil Using …
2020年4月22日 · One of the most common parameters that are observed in the transformer oil is 2-Furaldehyde, a compound that is produced due to the aging of Kraft paper. Although the optical characterization of...
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An Optical Device Based on a Chemical Chip and Surface Plasmon …
2024年8月14日 · Furfural (furan-2-carbaldehyde, or 2-Furaldehyde, or 2-FAL) is a furanic compound that is ubiquitous in environmental and food contexts, deriving from different chemical processes such as the degradation of sugars and cellulosic compounds, mainly by the action of heat and/or by the Maillard reaction [1, 2, 3, 4].
Power Transformer Condition Monitoring by 2FAL Content and CO 2 …
The 2-FAL concentration is being used decades ago. In this contribution, condition monitoring history and experience with transformer fleets are reported for a service aging of 75 years. 37 oil-filled transformers (146.7 kV to 157 kV) of a Canadian utility were periodically monitored.
FN FAL自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FAL (法語: Fusil Automatique Légère(英語:Light Automatic Rifle ), 直译: “轻型自动步枪”)是由 比利時 埃斯塔勒国营工厂 (FN)設計的一款使用 7.62×51毫米口径北约弹 的 戰鬥步槍。 FAL是世界上著名步槍之一,曾是大量 西方国家 的制式裝備,有“ 自由世界 的右臂”之称。 FAL自動步槍源於 第二次世界大戰 結束後 英國 新的步槍研製計劃。 最初FAL全自動原型槍設計使用 德國 StG44突擊步槍 的 7.92×33毫米 中間型威力槍彈,根據 英國 的要求改成7毫米口徑(7×43 …
FN FAL自动步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月16日 · FAL (法语: Fusil Automatique Légère(英語:Light Automatic Rifle ), 直译: “轻型自动步枪”)是由 比利时 埃斯塔勒国营工厂 (FN)设计的一款使用 7.62×51毫米口径北约弹 的 战斗步枪。 FAL是世界上著名步枪之一,曾是大量 西方国家 的制式装备,有“ 自由世界 的右臂”之称。 FAL自动步枪源于 第二次世界大战 结束后 英国 新的步枪研制计划。 最初FAL全自动原型枪设计使用 德国 StG44突击步枪 的 7.92×33毫米 中间型威力枪弹,根据 英国 的要求改成7 …
Investigations of furanic derivatives in transformer oil using ultra ...
2013年2月1日 · Furanic derivatives in transformer oil are correlated with UV–visible spectral property. 2-FAL is the major furanic derivative and the most stable compound of deterioration of insulation paper. High concentration of furanic derivatives may indicate presence of thermal fault and also informs that tensile strength of paper insulation life.
Improved method for aging assessment of winding hot-spot …
2019年11月1日 · 2-furfuraldehyde (2-FAL) is widely accepted as a chemical marker to indicate the degradation of cellulose insulation in oil-impregnated transformers. However, the application of 2-FAL in the aging diagnosis of transformers in operation is ineffective.
2 -FAL in the maintenance of power transformers - CEISLAB
2015年9月14日 · Electrical Insulation Magazine in its August issue published that study presents a statistical study devoted to obtaining the reference values of 2-FAL in power transformers . You may wish to consult the full study here: link to pdf.
Detection of 2FAL Furanic Compound in Transformer Oil Using …
This study investigates the optical characteristics of 2-Furaldehyde in the near infrared region and finds three peaks observed at 1610 nm – 1640 nm, 1100 nm – 1115 nm and 860 nm – 890 nm wavebands that were correlated to the overtones of the aromatic C-H stretch in 2- Fural dehyde.
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