Spark Release 2.4.0 - Apache Spark
Apache Spark 2.4.0 is the fifth release in the 2.x line. This release adds Barrier Execution Mode for better integration with deep learning frameworks, introduces 30+ built-in and higher-order …
Overview - Spark 2.4.0 Documentation - The Apache Software …
Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. It provides high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python and R, and an optimized engine that supports general execution graphs.
Spring Boot 2.4.0 available now
2020年11月12日 · On behalf of the Spring Boot team and everyone that has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 2.4.0 has been released and is available from Maven …
Spark 2.4.0 released | Apache Spark
We are happy to announce the availability of Spark 2.4.0! Visit the release notes to read about the new features, or download the release today. Spark News Archive.
利用Anaconda安装tensorflow-gpu 2.4.0 + cuda11.1 - CSDN博客
2022年10月14日 · 利用 Anaconda 安装 tensorflow -gpu 2.4.0 + cuda11.1 + cudnn 以及安装 pytorch 1.9.0 + cuda11.1. 1. 安装 pytorch. 在pytorch环境下输入python进入python. 如图显 …
Install and Setup — DGL 2.4.0 documentation
Starting at version 0.3, DGL is separated into CPU and CUDA builds. The builds share the same Python package name. If you install DGL with a CUDA 9 build after you install the CPU build, …
PyTorch Release 2.4.0 - Final RC is available
2024年7月3日 · Final 2.4.0 RC for PyTorch core and Domain Libraries is available for download from pytorch-test channel. Reminder of key dates: List of Issues included in the Patch Release …
Spring Boot 2.4 Release Notes · spring-projects/spring-boot Wiki - GitHub
As of 2.4, Spring Boot is adopting the the new Spring versioning scheme - this means you should update the Spring Boot version in your build.gradle / pom.xml files from 2.3.5.RELEASE to 2.4.0.
【亲测有用】tensorFlow-gpu 2.4.0+Keras 2.4.3环境配置 - CSDN …
2021年8月21日 · 机器学习框架 TensorFlow 再次迎来升级,发布全新的 TensorFlow 2.4.0 候选版本。 本文将介绍 TensorFlow 新 版本 中的主要功能改进,以及在 TensorFlow Core、 …
CVE 2023 25690 - Proof of Concept - GitHub
Some mod_proxy configurations on Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 through 2.4.55 allow a HTTP Request Smuggling attack.