2.4KM tips? : r/askSingapore - Reddit
Unpopular opinion: run 2.4km everyday. I run 2.4km everyday (due to work I don't rn) but I still do run about 3-4 times per week. I improved tremendously from 19 minutes to 12 minutes in about 5 months (everyone starts somewhere) 😉. Try pushing yourself to go further and go beyond 2.4km so you will find 2.4 easier. That's just my opinion hehe
Improving easy pace and preparing for a 2.4km test : r/running
2021年7月21日 · I run about 2-5 days a week, usually like 4km 3 days a week and a day or 2 on the track doing intervals (my last workout was 2K time trial on the track at about 5:20/km, 800m at about the same pace after a lap of walking and then 2 x 400m at about 4:15/km with a lap and half of walking between). My 5K pace when I ran about 3 weeks ago was 7:15/km.
Any ideas on how to achieve my running goal? 2.4km in under 10:21
2012年2月26日 · I managed to take my timing from 11:30 to 9:42 in approx 2 months (was aiming for 9:30, but that was good enough for the fitness test). You can only improve with discipline, so you need to get your ass out, 3 times a week. Find a place where you can do laps. 400m track is ideal, but 5-7 laps for 2.4km is pretty fine too.
Reddiporeans, what's your best 2.4 run timings? : r/singapore
So this was what I did: run the standard 2.4km, then rest for 10 minutes, rehydrate. Then for the second part of the run, run 400m, take that time to rest (eg. Running 400m in 1.55 min, then rest 1.55 min, then Run 2nd set of 400m in 2.01min, then …
[Meta] How to prepare for 2.4km? : r/SGExams - Reddit
2020年12月1日 · 2.4km is more about stamina, try to finish the entire 2.4km in 1 run first. Start at like 20min if you are really unfit, slowly increase over time. Aim to decrease your timing by 10-15s each session until you hit 12+ min range, from there onwards usually will be a slow hard grind to hit 10min or less mark.
Need to run 2.4km in 14 mins (In 2 weeks!!) - Reddit
2021年10月25日 · 2.4km is about a 1.5 miles, and at your age (aslong as you are not seriously overweight or have any longterm injuries) you should do just fine. Increase your daily step count, I'd say for the first 5 days get some shorter 1k runs in, and try and get 20,000 steps a day to build a good base for your calves (stretch a lot, rest a lot and eat a lot).
how to 2.4km run? : r/askSingapore - Reddit
This will definitely take longer than just a week, but personally I found the best way to train for 2.4km is to train for more than that (i.e. 4 or 5km runs). Start slow and then slowly work your timing down. That way when you do your 2.4km NAPFA it will feel much easier mentally.
How to: 2.4km below 10minutes? : r/singapore - Reddit
Slower runs go for a 3-3 pace, faster runs like 5ks go for a 2-2 pace. 2.4 is generally starting with a 2-2 going to a 2-1 and then a 1-1 pace. X-Y means X steps in Y steps out. 1-1 breathing is extremely inefficient which is why no one goes for it unless you have to, like at the end of the race.
2.4km Run Fitness prep : r/AustralianMilitary - Reddit
2015年8月22日 · Then keep on dropping the time until you're sitting around 1.10 with a 1:1 break. You'll struggle in the later ones but mostly you should be hitting times between 1.10 and 1.20 no dramas after 3 weeks. Then give a full 2.4 a go and you'll be amazed at your new time. Mostly the 2.4 is about finding that perfect, quick pace.
Dicas para corrida de 2.4km em 12min : r/brasilivre - Reddit
2018年11月23日 · 2- Se alimente bem e durma bem. 3- Faça fortalecimento dos membros inferiores (isso pode prevenir muitas lesões, principalmente no inicio). 4- Dica muito importante: Compre um bom tênis (minhas preferencias são nike ou adidas). Uma roupa confortável também ajuda bastante. 5- Faça tiros de 200 e 400 metros. Pode ajudar muito a ter velocidade.