Telling the Time in English Vocabulary
2025年1月8日 · There are two common ways of telling the time. 1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes) 2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + …
Telling the Time - The English Space
This topic will show you how to tell the time and how to ask and answer questions about the time. This table shows different ways to show the hour. Hours. This table shows how to talk about …
英语钟点时间的表达方式(past/to/half) - 百家号
2019年8月9日 · 1.少于30分钟时候用past:意为“过” 例如——8:20 twenty past eight. 2.大于半小时用to:意思为“差” 例如——8:40 twenty to nine(讲解:当分钟数大于半小时时候,整点钟要 …
What time is it? | Learn English
2014年9月16日 · Here are the key phrases you need to know. o'clock. Half past (thirty minutes past) Ten-past, Twenty past. In British English, we only use past until half past (30 minutes …
英语中的时间表达法,这里全啦! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一. 时间点的表达 1、所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读: 6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty 2、如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”:6:10 ten past six …
Time in English - Omniglot
In the UK and Ireland 8:30 can be half past eight or half eight. The half eight form is not used in other English-speaking countries. In some parts of the USA people say quarter after eight to …
What's the time? - Quia
8:00: It's a quarter past nine. 9:15: It's a half past ten. 10:30: It's a quarter to eleven. 10:45: It's twelve o'clock. 12:00: It's ten past three. 3:10: It's twenty-five to six. 5:35: It's ten to eleven. …
What's the Time in English - English Vocabulary - ego4u.com
In English ordinary speech, the twelve-hour clock is used. Timetables usually use the twenty-four-hour clock. In spoken English, the twenty-four-hour clock is, however, only used in official …
What time is it? Telling time: 08:20 - Calculators.ro
08:20 = twenty [ after / past ] eight in the morning. 2. Telling time using Casual Time, influenced by the digital. Note that in this case the number of hours is said first instead, followed by the …
Telling the time in English - What time is it? - Blogger
There are two common ways of telling the time in English: What time is it? 1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes) 2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + …
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