转换 磅 / 平方英尺 自 帕斯卡 (psf → Pa ) - Convert
磅 / 平方英尺 自 帕斯卡. 单位之间转换 (psf → Pa ) 或见转换表.
Convert psf to kPa - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many psf in 1 kPa? The answer is 20.885434273039. We assume you are converting between pound/square foot and kilopascal. You can view more details on each measurement unit: psf or kPa The SI derived unit for pressure is the pascal. 1 pascal is equal to 0.020885434273039 psf, or 0.001 kPa.
Convert pressure: 20 psf (pounds per sq. foot) to ...
The pressure value 20 psf (pounds per sq. foot) in words is "twenty psf (pounds per sq. foot)". This is simple to use online converter of weights and measures. Simply select the input unit, enter the value and click "Convert" button. The value will …
psf是什么单位,如何转换成MPa - 百度知道
psf是英制压力单位, 就是 “pounds per square foot 磅/平方英尺 (p/f^2)”。 Bar---国际标准组织定义的压力单位。 所以,bar是一种表压力 (gauge pressure)的称呼。 psf是什么单位,如何转换成MPapsf是英制的压强单位,磅力/平方英尺。 1英尺=12英寸所以1磅力/平方英尺 (psf)=0.0069444磅力/平方英寸 (psi)因为1磅力/英寸 (psi)=6.895千帕 (kPa)所以1磅力/平方英尺 (
20磅力/平方英尺等于多少千帕 - 20磅力/平方英尺(psf)是多少千 …
20磅力/平方英尺是多少千帕? 20磅力/平方英尺等于0.9576千帕【20磅力/平方英尺 = 0.9576千帕】,即20磅力/平方英尺换算成千帕的结果为20磅力/平方英尺=0.9576千帕。
磅每呎 (psf - 美制重量), 壓力 - Unit Conversion Online
在文本框中鍵入要轉換的磅每呎 (psf)數,以查看表中的結果。
What is PSF in Construction?
2024年3月10日 · PSF, or Pounds per Square Foot, is a critical concept in construction that helps engineers and architects design safe and structurally sound buildings. It is used to calculate the load-bearing capacity of various components, ensuring …
PSF - Pressure Unit - Definition, Application, Conversions
PSF measures the amount of force (in pounds) exerted on an area of one square foot. PSF is an abbreviation for "Pounds per Square Foot", which means "pounds per square foot". The PSF appears in a variety of engineering and technical applications, especially when pressure distribution measurements over larger areas are required.
psf – Pounds per Square Foot Pressure Unit - SensorsONE
Pounds or Pounds Force per Square Foot is a British (Imperial) and American pressure unit which is directly related to the psi pressure unit by a factor of 144 (1 sq ft = 12 in x 12 in = 144 sq in). 1 pound per square foot equals 47.8803 pascals.
Confused about roof rating 20lb sq ft. Snow vs Roof
2017年1月3日 · As to why a roof rated for 20 psf snow load does not collapse when you stand on it, the 20 psf is distributed over the entire roof, so a 1000 sf roof has to hold up 20,000 lbs snow load total. Locally higher loads, such as you standing on the roof, are considered point loads, and the roof design for point loads is different than the roof design ...