Nissan 300ZX - Wikipedia
The 300ZR was positioned as a sportier alternative to the 300ZX Turbo, with tighter suspension settings and an R200 limited slip differential, while the turbocharged 300ZX was now only offered with an automatic transmission, and the 200ZR was a budget alternative as it fit into a lower tax and insurance category thanks to its smaller engine.
Nissan 300ZX specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times - FastestLaps.com
1989 Nissan 300ZX specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, price, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated March 2025.
Used Nissan 300ZX for Sale Near Me - Edmunds
Edmunds has 36 Used Nissan 300ZXes for sale near you, including a 1994 300ZX Convertible and a 1991 300ZX Hatchback ranging in price from $12,995 to $49,995. How much is the used Nissan...
Used Nissan 300ZX for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus
Browse the best March 2025 deals on Nissan 300ZX vehicles for sale. Save $347 this March on a Nissan 300ZX on CarGurus.
Nissan 300ZX Classic Cars for Sale - Classics on Autotrader
Based on the current Nissan 300ZX listings for sale on Classics on Autotrader, you may find some that cost as low as $675 and max out around $55,000. While the average price of a Nissan 300ZX is around $22,098, take a look at all the features, the …
日产鲜为人知的性感跑车,Fairlady 300ZX - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
无论山路还是首都高速,都是轻量化、推重比和赛车设定的世界,所以当年的几辆日系豪华大GT,基本都处于各大影视作品的炮灰状态。譬如3000GT、各代SUPRA以及最胖淑女Fairlady 300ZX。
20岁的东瀛战车,日产300ZX! - 车家号
300ZX搭配的发动机为3.0升排量,从动力上分为VG30DE和VG30DETT两个型号,前者是自然进气的V6发动机,拥有222马力,而后者则拥有双涡轮,可以提供300马力! 今天海阔试车试驾的这辆300ZX是装备了VG30DE的自动挡T型敞篷版,1995年诞生的它到今天正好20年! 20年,对于汽车而言,已经是很沧桑的年纪了,但是当年精心设计的外形依然耀眼! 虽然300ZX的肺活量达到了3000CC,但是车头部分最抢镜的并不是贪婪的吞咽氧气的进气格栅,因为这对大尺寸头灯才 …
Nissan 300ZX For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
Browse and bid online for the chance to own a Nissan 300ZX at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online.
NISSAN 300ZX - 百度百科
除了性能大幅度提高外,这一代的Z系列在整车质量上也有不少的变化,其中90款的300ZX Turbo的车重达到惊人的3474磅,这比竞争对手Corvette重了大约两百磅,也比89款的300ZX Turbo重了约两百磅,更比第一代240Z车型重了1200磅。
300ZX怎么样_报价及图片_内饰_油耗_最新价格 - 第一车网
第一车网日产车型频道为您提供300zx汽车最新价格,内饰参数,报价及图片,竞争品牌,优缺点及常见问题分析,300zx4s经销商以及二手300zx车信息. 日产300ZX[进口] 品牌简介