The 200 Club of Bergen County | We Support Our First Responders
The 200 Club of Bergen County serves our community by supporting our First Responders and their families.
Our Impact - The 200 Club of Bergen County
The 200 Club of Bergen County has provided millions of dollars in financial support to our First Responders and their families via several continuing programs.
Membership - The 200 Club of Bergen County
The 200 Club is an iconic organization in both Bergen County and the State of New Jersey, and by becoming a member and displaying your decal with pride, you can boldly voice your support for those who put their lives on the line for you.
Our History - The 200 Club of Bergen County
The 200 Club of Bergen County is now one of the largest 200 Clubs, with over 1,200 members and growing. While its members are its lifeblood, the organization’s past and current presidents, executive board members, and trustees volunteer their time and effort to ensure the club remains true to its mission.
Action Program | The 200 Club of Bergen County
Since 1988, The 200 Club has awarded more than $500,000 in Death Benefits and other financial support to fallen and severely injured public servants.
Contact Us - The 200 Club of Bergen County
To contact the 200 Club of Bergen County please send us a message or call us. We are happy to answer any questions or provide additional information.
Events | The 200 Club of Bergen County
The 200 Club of Bergen County’s scheduled events for the current year. Some are for members only while others are open to the general public.
Our Community | The 200 Club of Bergen County
The 200 Club of Bergen County will be highlighting First Responder Departments in Bergen County to thank them and give them the recognition they deserve.
Programs | The 200 Club of Bergen County
Since 1987, the 200 Club has honored more than 500 individuals that have given of themselves unselfishly. The categories of awards are: Valor Award – An act of bravery, beyond the call of duty, and imminent personal risk to his or her own life and safety, with full knowledge of …
Our Leadership - The 200 Club of Bergen County
The 200 Club of Bergen County’s ability to continue the work we do unabated over these many years can be attributed to the hard work of our Leadership Team.