Asteroid 2003 UA414 | Space Reference
2003 UA414 is a dwarf planet whose orbit extends beyond the orbit of Neptune. NASA JPL has not classified 2003 UA414 as potentially hazardous because its orbit does not bring it close to …
(721572) 2003 UA414 – Wikipedia
2003 UA414 ist ein großes transneptunisches Objekt, das bahndynamisch als resonantes Kuipergürtel-Objekt (2:9–Resonanz) oder als Scattered Disc Object (SDO) eingestuft wird. …
2003 UA414 – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
2003 UA414, também escrito como 2003 UA414, é um objeto transnetuniano que está localizado no Cinturão de Kuiper, uma região do Sistema Solar. Ele é classificado como um twotino, …
(721572) 2003 UA414 — Wikipédia
(721572) 2003 UA 414 est un objet transneptunien, en résonance 2:9 avec Neptune de magnitude absolue 5,0. Son diamètre est estimé à environ 400 km, ce qui le qualifie comme …
Distant EKOs #54 - Southwest Research Institute
A comparative analysis reveals that the near Infrared (NIR) spectral properties have little correlation to the visible colors or albedo, with the exception of the fragment KBOs produced …
2003 UA414 - orbitsimulator.com
2003 UA414 is in a 2:9 resonance with Neptune.
2003 UA414 - Wikidata
2003 UA414. trans-Neptunian object. Statements. instance of. trans-Neptunian object. 1 reference. stated in. JPL Small-Body Database. JPL Small-Body Database SPK-ID. 3383612.
2003 UA414 - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
2003 UA414 adalah sebuah objek trans-Neptunus. Seperti objek trans-Neptunus pada umumnya, benda ini mengorbit Matahari dari jarak yang lebih jauh dari planet Neptunus. Eksentrisitas …
2003 UA414 - Wikipedia baso Minang
Laman Utamo; Portal komunitas; Kajadian kini ko; Parubahan baru; Laman sumbarang; Kadai Kopi; Bak kasiak; Bantuan; Manyumbang
2003 UA414 - franco.wiki
2003 UA 414 est un objet transneptunien, en résonance 2:9 avec Neptune de magnitude absolue 5,0.
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