Athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's 100 metres
The men's 100 metres sprint event at the 2008 Olympic Games took place on 15 and 16 August at the Beijing National Stadium. [1] 80 athletes from 64 nations competed. [2] Each nation was limited to 3 athletes per rules in force since the 1930 Olympic Congress. The final was won by Jamaican Usain Bolt in a world record time of 9.69 seconds.
2008年北京奥运会 田径 男子100米 结果 - Olympics.com
克莱和克劳昌卡争夺十强全能冠军 - 田径 | 2008年北京奥运会集锦
2008年夏季奥林匹克运动会田径男子100米比赛 - 维基百科,自由 …
2008年夏季奧林匹克運動會 男子 100米跑 賽事在2008年8月15日及8月16日在 北京國家體育館 舉行 [1]。 男子100米是被視為本屆奧運所有比賽項目最受人關注的比賽小項之一,比賽共有來自64個國家及地區的84名運動員參與。
100 Metres Result | The XXIX Olympic Games - World Athletics
2008年8月8日 · 100 Metres men's final result from the The XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing (National Stadium)
Usain Bolt Wins 100m/200m Gold - Beijing 2008 Olympics
Usain Bolt eases his way to two gold medals and two world records in the 100 and 200 meter events at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Beijing 2008: Men 100m report - The Science of Sport
2008年8月16日 · Usain Bolt winning the 100m at the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Photo by Flick user PhotoBobil. The only thing about this race that was NOT surprising was that the world record was broken. Everything else was something of a shock.
2008年北京奥运会——男子100米 博尔特9秒69 破世界记录夺金
2008年北京奥运会男子200米决赛,9秒80也无缘奖牌的时代! 《百米最虎》巅峰对决! 2012年伦敦奥运会男子百米飞人大战,中国飞人苏炳添惊艳世界,百米大战9秒83创纪录! #奥运会 #田径 #百米短跑 #苏炳添,“9.58会是人类的极限吗? ”,经典永存!
100 m M - Athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing
The best athletes from each heat (Q) and a number of "lucky losers" (q) advanced to the next level. Event facts: Men's 100 m competition was held at the Beijing National Stadium and 80 athletes participated in the event. These results for Men's 100 m - Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian ...
2008年北京奥运会男子100米短跑的记录是多少 - 百度知道
2008年9月13日 , 牙买加速度王博尔特,2008年北京奥运会100米短跑决赛跑出了9秒69的最好奥运会成绩。 09年柏林世锦赛,博尔特又刷新了自己的记录,9秒58。
Beijing (National Stadium) 2008 | Olympic Games | World Athletics
The XXIX Olympic Games, Outdoor | FINAL | 100 Metres | Results