HV-200KC High Resolution Platform Scale, 50/300/500lb x …
HV-200KC High Resolution Platform Scale, 50/300/500lb x 0.05/0.1/0.2lb with Large Platform, Legal for Trade This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. Compare
HW-200KC Platform Scale, 500lb x 0.05lb with Large Platform
This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. Max. Count.
A&D Weighing HW-200KC High Resolution Bench Scale; 220 kg x …
The HV-C/CP and HW-C/CP bench scales feature a bright 3-5-7 segment color (red-green-yellow) comparator function for checkweighing. A 10-digit keypad makes entering comparator limits and tare weights quick and easy, while a key lock function prevents operators from making unnecessary setting changes.
HV-200KC | Digital Platform Scales - HV-C/HV-CP Series | A&D
Shop Digital Platform Scales - HV-C/HV-CP Series from A&D (HV-200KC). MISUMI USA has all of your Scales & Balances needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
HW-200KC A&D Engineering | Test and Measurement | DigiKey …
HW-200KC – Scale from A&D Engineering. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
美菱BCD-200KC - 百度百科
美菱BCD-200KC是机械温控式的双开门 冰箱,总容积200L,其中冷藏室容积130L,冷冻室容积70L。 详细内容:用户自购买美菱产品之日起,7日内出现性能故障,免费给予修理、调换和退货;用户自购买美菱产品之日起,15日内出现性能故障,给予免费修理和调换,退货按国家规定收取折旧费。 产品修理责任及规定:用户产品在“三包”期限内发生故障,并符合包修范围,由各地服务网点负责免费给予修复。 美菱BCD-200KC,直冷型,机械温控,能效等级1级, 全国联保, …
200 Czech Korunas (CZK) to Euros (EUR) today - Exchange Rate
2 天之前 · The cost of 200 Czech Korunas in Euros today is €7.99 according to the “Open Exchange Rates”, compared to yesterday, the exchange rate decreased by -0.16% (by -€0.0001). The exchange rate of the Czech Koruna in relation to the Euro on the chart, the table of the dynamics of the cost as a percentage for the day, week, month and year.
A&D Weighing HV-200KC Bench Scale, 60/150/220 kg x …
Buy A&D Weighing HV-200KC Bench Scale, 60/150/220 kg x 0.02/0.05/0.1 kg; NTEP Approved and more from our comprehensive selection of A&D Weighing HV-C/CP and HW-C/CP Series Bench Scales from Cole-Parmer
Scales & Balances (HW-200KC) - MISUMI USA
Shop Scales & Balances - with 3-Color, 5-Level Comparator Light and 10-Key Control Pad, Digital Platform Scale, HW-C/HW-CP Series from A&D (HW-200KC). MISUMI USA has all of your Scales & Balances needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
*上海申安卧式蒸汽灭菌器WDZX-200KC - Sapeen
上海申安医疗器械厂 wdzx-200kc 技术参数. 技术参数. 1. 采用手轮式快开门旋压锁紧结构,使锅盖开启与锁紧安全可靠. 2. 灭菌腔体采用优质不锈钢 304材质. 3. 具有自动进水与补水功能. 4. 自胀式密封圈结构. 5.