Convert 21 milliliters to tablespoons, ounces, cups, etc
Converting from 21 milliliters to tablespoons, ounces, cups, milliliters, liters, quarts, pints, gallons. What is it? How many? What is 21 milliliters in other units?
Convert 21 Milliliters to Ounces - CalculateMe.com
How many ounces are in 21 milliliters? 21 mL to fl oz conversion. 21 milliliters is equal to about 0.710 ounces. 21 milliliters ≈ 71.0% of a ounce. A milliliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1000 th of a liter. It is the same as a cubic centimeter. A U.S. fluid ounce is 1/128 th of a U.S. gallon.
毫升和升换算 - 毫升 (ml)换算升 (l) - 体积换算
21毫升等于多少升-21毫升 (ml)转换成升 (l)的换算结果-体积换算
21毫升(ml)等于0.021升(l),21毫升(ml)换算成升(l)的单位换算结果是0.021升(l)。 本页网址是: https://cn.unithelper.com/volume/21-ml-l/ 把21毫升转换成其它单位
毫升应该写成ml还是mL? - 知乎
2014年10月9日 · mL是正确的,ml在某些场合下是正确的。 有一位答主引用了GB,其中说明了l也是我国采用的非法定国际制单位, GB 3100《 国际单位制 及其应用》 中有一小行备注,l是备用符号。
21 ml | How big is 21 milliliters? - ezUnitConverter.com
21 milliliters to other units of volume converter. Convert between fluid ounces, cups, gallons, pints, etc.
毫升换算升 - 毫升(ml)转升(L)计算器 - FreeUnitConvert.com
毫升是容量计量单位,符号为mL,又称公撮,相当于立方公分(cubic centimeter,简称 cc)。 毫升本身不是国际单位制(SI)单位,而是接受与SI合并使用的非SI单位。
毫升換算升 - 公撮(ml)轉公升(L)計算機 - FreeUnitConvert.com
毫升是容量計量單位,符號為mL,又稱公撮,相當於立方公分(cubic centimeter,簡稱 cc)。 毫升本身不是國際單位制(SI)單位,而是接受與SI合併使用的非SI單位。
Convert 21 milliliters to ounces - CarInsuranceData.org
What is 21 milliliters in ounces? 21 milliliters. What size is it? How many in tbsp, oz, cups, ml, liters, quarts, pints, gallons, etc? Convert between metric and imperial units. How much?
21 Milliliters to Grams (ml to g) - Online Unit Converter
For water, 21 milliliters equal precisely 21 grams. If you're converting liquids, usually 1:1 conversion works, but will not be 100% accurate (except for water). So for any liquid, you can substitute 21 g for 21 milliliters.