PLL Algorithms - CFOP SpeedSolving PLL #21 Cases
Solving the PLL is the last step of the CFOP, and is the final straight in speedsolving the Rubik's cube. There are 21 different variations of Last Layer Permutations, and a well-known name for …
21 công thức PLL - Hoán vị tầng cuối cùng cho khối Rubik (CFOP)
Aug 5, 2019 · 21 công thức Pll là bước thứ 4 và cũng là bước cuối cùng của phương pháp Fridrich tiên tiến. Mục đích là sắp xếp lại các cạnh và góc của tầng cuối cùng. Đến bước này, …
pll基础情况有21种,详见下表。 此21种情况根据学习、记忆的顺序,简单分为3个阶段,第一个阶段为绿色,比较基础,公式比较短,很容易上手和理解,第二阶段为蓝色,熟练掌握第一阶段 …
Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. Moves in square brackets at the end of algorithms denote a U face adjustment necessary to …
PLL - Speed Cube Database
PLL or Permutation of the Last Layer is the fourth and last step of the CFOP method, which aims to permute the pieces of the last layer to have the 3x3 fully solved. This step is fully …
最全的PLL公式集之一第二期(PLL12~21) - 哔哩哔哩
pll序号参考 又来了,接上一篇文章,下面是PLL12~21,如有问题,敬请指出。 注意公式方向不同,自行尝试即可(上图仅作参考)。
〔合集〕PLL 21条公式 | 公式指法演示 - 哔哩哔哩
,不懂就问,练了三个月,这是不是非常菜啊,全部PLLsub0.83s的手法演示,许瑞航的21个PLL公式和手法慢速演示,Max Park 的主力 V perm 公式+手法教学!,你可能学的CFOP是 …
PLL Algorithms - CubingApp
Most cubers recommend learning PLL before OLL because you only need to learn 21 algorithms to improve your times. This site tells you all 21 PLL algorithms, the fingertricks, and how to …
Full PLL – SpeedyGoneCuber
All of the 21 PLL configurations are grouped into 3 sections: Jump to section: Ua Perm – 3 edges cycling anticlockwise: If your cube has one solved side, with the three unsolved edges needing …
PLL | 3x3 CFOP Algorithms - SPEEDCUBE.COM.AU
PLL stands for Permutation of the Last Layer. It is the final step in the CFOP (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL) method. During the PLL step, the goal is to permute the pieces on the last layer so that …