Well isn't this some BS re 21956 VC - Officer.com
The ruling in this case determined that 21956, subdivision (a) preempts Sacramento City Code section 10.20.040..... AND OLDER case law, McGough v. Hendrickson (1943) 58 Cal.App.2d 60, 63, the court noted that it was well settled law that "'pedestrians have a right to travel anywhere upon a public highway in a residence district.'
Good codes to know for Ped Stops? - Officer.com
But having read 21956 it seems it's for outlying areas. "Outside of a business or residence district" certainly doesn't qualify in my neck of the woods. So we are back to the fact that it is legal to walk across a street in the middle of the night as long as it's not between two controlled intersections, a violation of 21955.
CVC Cheat Sheets - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums
CVC Cheat Sheets 07-29-2009, 12:57 PM Hey folks...I'm about to lateral over to a department in the San Diego County area and I realized I don't have my vehicle code cheat sheets anymore.
CVC to impound unsafe vehicle - Officer.com
2010年3月23日 · 22669. (a) Any peace officer, as that term is defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, or any other employee of the state, county, or city designated by an agency or department of the state or the board of supervisors or city council to perform this function, in the territorial limits in which the officer or employee is authorized to act, who ...
Suspended Registration? (California VC) - Police Forums & Law ...
2008年7月10日 · 4454 CVC is the violation of not having the registration card inside the vehicle when stopped. 4000(a)(1) CVC would be the violation for lack of registration. If the reg is suspended there would not be current reg on the vehicle.
Is there a specific V.C. for a third brake light that is not working?
If you want to cite for it, I would use 24252(a) CVC. I think the judge was wrong. Section 24252 applies to all required lighting equipment. The CHMSL is required by FMVSS 108, made applicable to California vehicles by 13 CCR § 621.
California Fog line - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums
2012年9月30日 · Post traffic enforcement, speeding, etc. questions here. Additionally, more than one California court has found that “weaving†within a lane provides sufficient cause to conduct an investigatory stop.
72 Hour Residential Parking Rule - Officer.com
22651. Any peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code;, or any regularly employed and salaried employee, who is engaged in directing traffic or enforcing parking laws and regulations, of a city, county, or jurisdiction of a state agency in which a vehicle is located, may remove a vehicle located within the territorial limits in ...
Most Commonly Used Vehicle and Penal Codes in the Academy
2009年9月7日 · Penal codes and vehicle codes were the least important things to remember in the academy. If you go through Orange County Sheriffs, you should be more worried about getting in and out of the tac office within 30 seconds while stating your business.
What traffic citations can you write on private property?
The parking lots described above are known as an "Off Street Parking Facility." My understanding is that only 4000(a) CVC, 12500 CVC, and 23103(b) CVC specifically apply in those places. Some Division 11 : Quite a few violations of Division 12 (driving offenses) can apply on private property "23100. The provisions of this chapter apply to ...