YoRHa Unit Number 21 Type O | NIER Wiki | Fandom
Operator 21O (pronounced Operator two-one-oh) is an android communication operator permanently stationed in the Bunker. Her duties include sending directives to YoRHa soldiers on the field as well as information analysis. Operator 21O, responsible for YoRHa No.9 Type S, is level-headed [3], cold, and impersonal.
Operator 21O Boss Fight | Nier Automata Wiki
2023年1月15日 · Operator 21O Boss Fight is a Boss in NieR: Automata. Operator 21O acts as 9S's support for most of the storyline, but eventually is encountered during a Boss Battle. Bosses are special larger Enemies that can be encountered throughout the game in different Locations.
YoRHa | NIER Wiki | Fandom
YoRHa is an elite military force of advanced androids designed to combat the invading aliens and machine lifeforms. Operating out of their headquarters in the Bunker, YoRHa is led by Command who receives orders from the Council of Humanity. [4]
21O | NIER Wiki | Fandom
21O is is the model designation for a virus-infected operator unit in NieR:Automata. She previously served as 9S 's handler. Pronounced "two-one-oh." Calm and skilled at analysis, this operator was originally in charge of relaying messages to 9S.
尤尔哈2B是《尼尔:机械纪元》主人公之一,是游戏剧情的核心人物,也是玩家角色能操纵的角色之一。 尤尔哈2B是人类所派遣的作为步兵团成员的泛用战斗型机器人,外表为女性,因为她总是戴着大大眼罩,所以只能看到一点点脸.
【閒聊】Operator:21O-本当ハ家族ガホシクテ…(有雷,催淚注 …
2017年5月5日 · NieR:Automata中大家都有各自喜歡的角色2B/9S/A2 不知大家是否認得擔當9S的專屬通訊官21O? 自己倒是喜歡21O這種冷漠傲嬌但內裡卻是溫柔大姊性格的 (御姐控) 遊戲二周目裡9S跟21O的通話可以很常看到吐槽 很歡樂 並且能在21O的話裡看作21O把9S當成弟弟看待,姊弟情 21O「請控制與作戰無關的發言」 21O「目標場所,座標DATA,轉送」 9S「是是」 21O「&
Operator 21O - Nier Automata Wiki
Operator 21O is an NPC in NieR: Automata. The Operators function as the Bunker’s communications operators. They handle command transmission and information analysis for …
Operator 21O *****SPOILERS**** : r/nier - Reddit
2018年1月16日 · 6O is assigned to 2B for emotional control. 21O is assigned to 9S for mission control. 2B doesn't need ANY reminder of her mission, but she does need empathy. 9S is curious and sidetracks the mission if given any incentive to do so. It works, as 2B even has thoughts of gifts for 6O because she grows on her.
寄葉二號B型 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
寄葉二號B型(日语:ヨルハ二号B型,英语:YoRHa No. 2 Type B),简称 2B,是2017年由 白金工作室 开发、 史克威尔艾尼克斯 发行的《龙背上的骑兵系列》系列的 衍生作品 (英语:Spin-off (media)) 《尼爾:自動人形》电子游戏中的虚构 人形機器人 (作品內稱「人造人」)。 作为游戏的三 主角 之一,2B是一名与 外星生命 创造的 机械生物 (英语:Machines (Nier: Automata)) 进行 代理戰爭 的人造人特遣部队的寄葉士兵。 她的故事主要围绕在寄葉内部的背 …
[Spoiler] Help me understand something about the YoRHa androids
Can someone help me understand the way the android personalities function in Yorha? I know that each android keeps their data in the bunker and uploads it to whatever model type they need to. I also understand that any numbered android can change to a new android type depending on what body they upload to, like 21O becoming 21B.