YoRHa Type S No.21 - NIER Wiki
YoRHa Type S No.21, or simply No.21, is a unit from the experimental YoRHa squadron that was utilized during the 14th Machine War. Number 21 possessed a cool and analytical personality that perfectly fit her role as a Scanner. She appears in the …
No.21 | NIER Wiki | Fandom
YoRHa Type S No.21 — is a unit from the experimental YoRHa squadron that was utilized during the 14th Machine War in YoRHa (Stage Play), YoRHa: Pearl Harbor Descent Record and NieR:Automata Ver1.1a, also known as S21.
YoRHa Unit Number 21 Type O - NIER Wiki
Operator 21O (pronounced Operator two-one-oh) is an android communication operator permanently stationed in the Bunker. Her duties include sending directives to YoRHa soldiers on the field as well as information analysis. Operator 21O, responsible for YoRHa No.9 Type S, is level-headed [3], cold, and impersonal.
Operator 21O - VS Battles Wiki
Operator 21O is a major side character of NieR: Automata. She is a female model of the Type O (Operator) series of androids produced by YoRHa. She was created for the purpose of coordinating the actions of androids fighting the machines which have invaded the planet and analysing the information collected by those androids.
Operator 21O - Nier Automata Wiki
Operator 21O is one of the YoRHa Operators that relay information, alerts ot contracts to the androids when they are in the field. She supports YoRHa 9S 's and makes an appearance to check in during their scheduled contacts.
尼尔:自动人形 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
收录了各种DLC和特典的版本“NieR:Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition”于2019年2月21日在PS4和Windows(Steam)平台发售,并修正了售价。 标题为“NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition”的Nintendo Switch版本于2022年10月6日发售,首度支持简体中文。 本作是2010发售的《尼尔:人工生命》的续作,与前作同处一个宇宙,并有前作角色登场。 故事上延续自《龙背上的骑兵3》的其中一个结局。 2015年6月16日于E3亮相, 2017年2月23日正式发售。
Steam上两个尼尔游戏区别:21版内容多且便宜 - 百度贴吧
《NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139》是以2010年4月发售的《NieR Replicant》为基础制作的强化版,描写2017年2月发售的《NieR:Automata》当中的世界是如何形成的故事。 核心点是当生命的肉体和灵魂分离,各自有了独立意识,哪一边才是原来的个体? 复制出来的生命算不算人类? 核心问题是硅基生命逐渐衍生出了内核,开始模仿真正的人类,诞生了真正的情感,开始非模仿而是发自内核的喜悦、悲伤、爱慕、恐惧、害怕死亡又渴望可以死亡,那么机械生命体究竟算不 …
Operator 21O Question ( possible spoiler???) : r/nier - Reddit
2017年4月9日 · During the mission "Onward to war" where you control 9s and go around hacking the machines that have anti air weaponry, you are tasked with hacking 5, but after the 4th, the mission changes and you are going to support 2B, but you are still able to go after the 5th machine and you trigger dialogue between 9s and the Operator in which the operato...
Operator 21O *****SPOILERS**** : r/nier - Reddit
2018年1月16日 · 6O is assigned to 2B for emotional control. 21O is assigned to 9S for mission control. 2B doesn't need ANY reminder of her mission, but she does need empathy. 9S is curious and sidetracks the mission if given any incentive to do so. It works, as 2B even has thoughts of gifts for 6O because she grows on her.
So about No. 21... : r/nier - Reddit
2023年3月31日 · I was rereading YoRHa Boys the other day and I completely forgot about the epilogue, mainly, the part in No. 21's POV where he's at the bottom of the sea? I never remembered him actually surviving so this caught me a bit off guard.
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