NOTE: Interservice transfers that have completed another services logistics course are authorized to wear the LRO Basic Badge with documented approval from the MAJCOM A4R or 21R MAJCOM Functional Manager.
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9 September - AF
The basic 21R Officer Career Planning Diagram under the Multi-path Framework helps officers to determine appropriate levels and timing of education, training, and experiences to ensure they have every opportunity to attend professional continuing education courses, grow leadership skills, pursue professional certifications, work towards an ...
21R – Logistics Officer Career Development Guidance AFSC Description: Logistics Readiness Officer career field encompasses the integration of logistics disciplines for air and ground transportation, supply management, fuels, vehicle management and logistics plans.
21R - LOGISTICS READINESS OFFICER PREPARATION IS EVERYTHING THE USAF LOGISTICS READINESS MISSION Readiness starts long before we begin any mission. It’s the job of Logistics Readiness Officers to prepare our Airmen for anything by ensuring that every person and piece of equipment is ready to go.
Logistics Readiness Officer - U.S. Air Force
Readiness starts long before we begin any mission. It’s the job of Logistics Readiness Officers to prepare our Airmen for anything by ensuring that every person and piece of equipment is ready to go.
Air Force Logistics Readiness Badge – USAMM
United States Air Force Logistics Readiness Badge. Occupational badges are reflective of a service member's Air Force specialty. Criteria: General officers: Wear the basic badge, representative of the organization's mission, upon entering a headquarters staff or command position, unless previously qualified for a higher-level badge.
21R - LOGISTICS READINESS OFFICER PREPARATION IS EVERYTHING THE USAF LOGISTICS READINESS MISSION Readiness starts long before we begin any mission. It’s the job of Logistics Readiness Officers to prepare our Airmen for anything by ensuring that every person and piece of equipment is ready to go.
Wear the basic badge after graduating from the Logistics Readiness Officer Basic Course. Wear the senior badge after having completed training requirements in the three core competencies of Materiel Management, Distribution, and Contingency Operations and after having completed 7-years as an LRO.
2016年11月16日 · AFSC 21R4, Staff AFSC 21R3, Qualified AFSC 21R1, Entry LOGISTICS READINESS (Changed 31 Oct 15, Effective 26 Feb 15)
Section A explains how to use the plan. Section B identifies career field progression information, duties and responsibilities, training strategies, and career field path. Section C associates each level with specialty qualifications (knowledge, education, experience, training, and other).