21st / 21th - WordReference Forums
Jan 9, 2007 · December 21st? o Decemeber 21th? Thank you very much, in advance . Ediroa Senior Member. Madrid.
21st century or 21th century - WordReference Forums
Aug 25, 2015 · "21th" shows up in some published books, but it's very rare ().As JulianStuart points out, it stands for a word that ends in "first", so using "th" instead of "st" doesn't make …
twenty-first century | 21st century | WordReference Forums
Dec 31, 2016 · If it's a formal context, which one is more appropriate: in the twenty-first century || in the 21st century? According to Google Ngram Viewer, the most common one is "twenty-first …
20th Century or 20th century?? - WordReference Forums
Jan 11, 2006 · Good day! A quick, small question. Do we ever treat a specific century like a proper noun, i.e. capitalized "C" or is it unnecessary or perhaps are both possible? I suppose …
This Thursday / Next Thursday | WordReference Forums
Jun 19, 2007 · This Thursday would very clearly mean Thursday the 21st, as saying next Thursday is ambiguous and could very easily be misinterpreted, most sensible people would …
writing th, rd, st -- e.g. 25th: [superscript?] - WordReference Forums
Mar 31, 2011 · Style manuals specify which format to use. If you do not have a style manual to follow, you can ask your teacher or supervisor for his or her preference (or requirement), or if …
"Inst." means "instant," as in "this month"? - WordReference Forums
Nov 26, 2009 · I have here a sentence from an 1865 NYT article. I believe the abbreviation "inst." refers to "instant," as in, "this month," but I'd like some feedback to see if this is likely or not. …
early/middle/late+month | WordReference Forums
Oct 16, 2007 · Hi, We all know that one month has three sections which are defined as early/middle /late +month, for example: August 5,2007-Early August 2007 August 16,2007 …
21 February or The 21st of February - WordReference Forums
Feb 21, 2016 · Dear everyone, I was reading an article which reads as "21 February is a memorable day in our national history. We observe the day every year as International Mother …
In /on July (in/on + month) | WordReference Forums
Jul 1, 2018 · A little help with prepositions... I know the following preposition uses are correct: The World Cup final is on July 15th The World Cup final is on July 15h, 2018 The World Cup final …