Need device to step down 480V 3ph to 220v 1ph - Practical …
2007年7月7日 · I am looking to acquire or build a device to step down 480v 3ph to 220v 1ph. It needs to be portable enough to sit in the bottom shelf of a weld cart. Power will be via an extension cord from a 480v 3ph 50 amp wall outlet. A small portable Miller 220v 1ph wire feed welder will be on the cart shelf above the device.
440 3ph at home from 220 1ph - Practical Machinist
2009年1月14日 · 245V 1Ph -> 440V 3Ph I had a very similar problem as valleycycles. A Schaublin 102N-80 lathe with a 2HP, 2-Speed, 380V 3Ph motor and a built-in 2.5 kVA 3Ph autotransformer. I wasn't aware of (and still don't know any confirmed) VFD's that would accept single phase 460V input.
Largest Manufacturing Technology Community on the Web
2022年11月23日 · But all our power is 220V (or 3 phase 220 or 380V) and no 110V stuff exists. A device meant to run heavy loads off 220V will have much higher heating at 110V. About 4x more. So it will work fine off 110V but will quickly fail if run at full capacity for extended times. Electronic stuff fails mainly due to heat. 10s k experience.
Have VFD ratings grown to handle 220V 1ph to 3ph for a 5HP …
2009年5月21日 · Excuse my ignorance, but when I set up my Bridgeport about 7 years ago, a 1HP VFD for 220V 1ph to 220V 3ph was about the limit. I will plead that I was ignorant even then and just got lucky that the TECO unit I got, has served me well. At the time, I recall the rule of thumb was that a VFD de-rated the motor HP 75% and has never posed an issue.
General | 220v 1ph Extension Cord? - Practical Machinist
2014年11月1日 · Small shop, only two machines that take 220v 1ph, a 60gal compressor that's wired directly into the breaker, and a Bridgeport with it's own 220v 1ph outlet. There are only two, 220v slots in the breaker and no room to put another in. A new machine may be coming into the shop, a surface grinder. It would be placed across the shop and about 12-15 ...
Need Design or Information - 440v-3ph In to 220v-1ph Out
2007年7月7日 · The 220V output looks like a household clothes dryer plug but it's probably not exactly the same. It[s kind of a standard plug that comes on most 220v single phase welders. All my portable 220v welder or plasma (that I want to use) are single phase.
HARDINGE HLV-H 220V 1Ph (VFD), DRO, Very Good Condition
2021年12月13日 · Hardinge HLV-H Lathe 220V 3Ph (VFD powered accepts 208-230V 1Ph power input) I am a long-time PM member reluctantly offering my very well cared for Hardinge HLV-H lathe for sale. I have owned this machine since 2017 and have known the previous owner since 2010. This machine is perfect for...
converting Bridgeport to single phase - Practical Machinist
2024年7月3日 · I would find a different mill that already has a 220v 3p motor on it. I would not ever put a single phase motor on a mill due to problems with quick reversals and skipping a phase. Id use a combination of transformers and a vfd to get from single phase 220 to 3p 575.
Need VFD help 1ph to 3ph - Practical Machinist
2025年1月18日 · Machine is an Emco Maximat V10-P lathe with vertical milling attachment. I have 220v 1ph available. I was told the machine is 3ph but still 220v.
Electrical service 120/240 1-ph, 208/120 3ph, or 480/277 3ph
2023年7月28日 · I'll be running a CNC plasma table, lathe, and mill. I want to be able to run everything at the same time. Imagine Adam Demuth but less experience, no hard milling, and products rather than parts The plasma table, compressor, air dryer, etc, draws about 50 A at 220 V 1ph. Mill and lathe (VF-2 and ST-10) would draw 110 A 220V 3-ph combined maximum.