What is Section 221g? Color Slips | White, Blue, Yellow, Pink
2023年1月16日 · What does 221g blue slip mean? The consulate issues the blue slip to a visa applicant when the consulate needs more supporting documentation. Although the blue slip is similar to the white slip in regard to that, you must provide more evidence; however, if you receive the blue slip, it does not mean that your application failed due to the ...
Know All about 221(g) – What do the Different Colored ... - Path2USA
2018年7月17日 · 221 (g) Blue Form: A blue form implies that the US Visa Consulate needs an additional supporting document (s) to make a decision on a visa application. 221 (g) White Form: A white form indicates a complex category under 221 (g).
What is US Visa Refusal under 221(g)? Passport Returned
2024年12月20日 · This article will review all the details around US visa refusal under section 221(g), what administrative processing is, what to expect, how long it can take, what the color of the 221g form indicates, and other common FAQs.
Decoding 221(g) Notices: What Each Color Means for Your Visa!
2024年3月31日 · A 221(g) Notice from U.S. embassies indicates a temporary visa refusal, needing more documents or further processing. Each color—blue for additional documentation, green and pink for administrative processing, yellow for pending decisions—signals specific next steps for applicants.
221(g) Blue slip with document and passport returned
2018年3月18日 · Blue Slip: A 221g Blue slip is given when the additional documentation is required. After submitting the required documents, a decision will be taken by the Consulate. Pink Slip: A 221g Pink slip is handed out when your application needs further administrative processing. The consulate will notify you once the processing is done.
2024年11月21日 · 在美国签证申请流程中,221g是美国领事馆用来表示需要进一步行政处理的一个标准代码。 当申请人的签证申请资料不足以作出决定,或者领事馆需要进一步核实申请人的信息时,就会发出这份通知。 这并不意味着签证申请被拒绝,而只是表示申请流程需要额外的时间来进行进一步的审查。 了解221g通知的潜在原因,对于申请人来说是非常重要的。 这些原因可能包括但不限于:申请人的资料不完整或存在矛盾、需要进行安全背景调查、需要进一步核实申请人 …
Section 221g and the White, Pink, Blue, and Yellow Slips - ALG …
2023年2月16日 · Applicants may receive either of the four slips with white, pink, blue, or yellow colorations. Each color stands for specific conditions and legal implications. Here is a simplified distinction between every slip: White Slips. The white slip covers visa applicants who falls under the complex category of section 221(g).
221(g) U.S. Visa Refusal – Colored Forms at Consulates in India
After your interview, if you were found temporarily ineligible for a visa under section 221(g), you would be given either a blue or pink instruction sheet. You need to follow the procedure given below, and you no longer have to make phone calls and/or send emails to the American Consulate in Chennai.
Understanding 221G: Types of Visas and Refusal Reasons
2024年1月6日 · Different types of 221G visas include blue, pink, green, and white forms, each indicating different scenarios. Reasons for 221G visa refusals include incomplete applications, additional review of qualifications, and security clearances.
221g Form - Path2USA
221 (g) Blue Form: A blue form implies that the US Visa Consulate needs an additional supporting document (s) to take a decision on a visa application. 221 (g) White Form: A white form indicates a complex category under 221 (g).