Bushmaster .223 Pistol | Defensive Carry
2007年7月26日 · Bushmaster .223 Pistol Jump to Latest 11K views 19 replies 12 participants last post by aus71383 Aug 3, 2007
Why no .223 pistols that look like, well, pistols?
2011年11月16日 · The .223 would come to grief in a revolver due to it's bottleneck shape and case rim design. Bottleneck cartridges and revolvers don't work well together. Functional difficulties can occur in revolvers chambered for the very mild mannered and very slightly bottlenecked .32-20 cartridge if pressures are crowded at all.
.45ACP vs. .223? Wut? - Defensive Carry
2010年9月12日 · At pistol distance, especially while in Military service where FMJ is used, yes there is a preference for the larger cartridge. At rifle distance, especially longer distances, the heavier 7.62X51 is generally favored.
Using small pistol primers for my .223 - Defensive Carry
2013年3月24日 · Pistol Primers have a thinner primer cup than Small Rifle primers. Rifle cartridges have more pressure built up in them during ignition than a pistol cartridge other than a couple of exotics loaded to IPSC major like 38 Super and some hot 9MM major loads which are really wild to load and shoot.
.223 Pistol | Defensive Carry
2006年10月3日 · What does everyone think about the kel-tec plr-16. Price is reasonable. Fun range gun with a big boom:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: The PLR-16 is a gas operated, semi-automatic pistol chambered in 5.56 mm NATO caliber. It was designed as and is intended as a long-range target...
Is a .223 really more lethal than 9mm at close range - Defensive …
2018年2月24日 · In the article a Doctor details how lethal the .223 is compared to a 9mm, here is a quote: “ The bullets fired by an AR-15 are different; they travel at higher velocity and are far more lethal. The damage they cause is a function of …
Anybody seen the new Kel-Tec .223 pistol? | Defensive Carry
2006年1月23日 · General Firearm Discussion ...
AR Pistol vs Bullpup - Defensive Carry
2014年12月11日 · A .223 pistol is ungodly loud and a previous poster is right that the blast is several times more than a longer 16" barrel, however, if you have a 300 BLK pistol, it was designed to be fired suppressed from a short tube and …
Ruger MKII - Review and Impressions | Defensive Carry
2011年7月16日 · I think I got the trick - you have the pistol ready to insert the locking pin. Point it down at the ground and pull the trigger. Point it up at the ceiling and pull the trigger. The locking pin slips right in. Done. Also: My neighbor offered me a Mk III upper slab-sided barrel. Doesn't fit.
How loud is your gun? - Defensive Carry
2009年6月29日 · Table 2. CENTERFIRE RIFLE DATA.223, 55GR. Commercial load 18 _" barrel 155.5dB .243 in 22" barrel 155.9dB .30-30 in 20" barrel 156.0dB