California Legislative Information
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§ 22356 VC - Driving Over 70 Miles Per Hour on Freeway - Shouse Law …
California Vehicle Code 22356 (b) VC states that no motorist shall drive on a freeway at a speed greater than 70 miles per hour. There are five important points to know about speeding on California’s freeways. There are legal defenses to fight a speeding charge; and, a person accused of speeding can hire an attorney to contest a speeding ticket.
California Vehicle Code Section 22356 - California.Public.Law
2023年8月19日 · No person shall drive a vehicle upon that highway at a speed greater than 70 miles per hour, as posted. This section shall become operative on the date specified in subdivision (c) of Section 22366. Source: Section 22356, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22356..
California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 22356 - FindLaw
2023年1月1日 · (a) Whenever the Department of Transportation, after consultation with the Department of the California Highway Patrol, determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey on existing highway segments, or upon the basis of appropriate design standards and projected traffic volumes in the case of newly constructed highway segments, tha...
California Vehicle Code § 22356 (2024) - Justia Law
Cal. VEH Code § 22356 - 22356. (a) Whenever the Department of Transportation, after consultation with the Department of the California Highway Patrol, determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey on existing
Cal. Veh. Code § 22356 - Casetext
Read Section 22356 - Higher maximum speed of 70 mph, Cal. Veh. Code § 22356, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext’s comprehensive legal database
California Vehicle Code Section 22348 - California.Public.Law
Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of Section 22351, a person shall not drive a vehicle upon a highway with a speed limit established pursuant to Section 22349 or 22356 at a speed greater than that speed limit. (b) A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 100 miles per hour is guilty of an infraction punishable, as follows:
What Is 22356(b) VC and How Does It Affect Drivers?
2025年2月7日 · California Vehicle Code 22356(b) impacts drivers by setting speed limits on certain highways. Understanding this law is crucial, as violations can lead to financial and legal consequences. It’s not just about following posted signs but also knowing how enforcement works and the broader implications of non-compliance.
California Vehicle Code Section 22356 - Laws
2018年10月25日 · (a) Whenever the Department of Transportation, after consultation with the Department of the California Highway Patrol, determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey on existing highway segments, or upon the basis of appropriate design standards and projected traffic volumes in the case of newly constructed highway segments, tha...
CVC 22356: Basic Speed Law – DontPayTickets.com
California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22356, often referred to as the "Basic Speed Law," sets the maximum speed limit on certain California highways where there are no posted speed limit signs. Here's an explanation of CVC 22356: