integrating sphere using a UV-Vis-NIR Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050 spectrophotometer at normal incidence (Figures S1a, S2a, S4a, S5a, S7a, S8a). For the longer wavelength range, 2500nm to 22500nm, measurements were done using a Shimadzu IR-470 spectrophotometer at …
小麦近红外特征波长提取及蛋白质含量测定-【维普期刊官网】- 中 …
摘要 采用多元线性回归的逐步分析算法,对小麦粉的近红外光谱波段(Ⅰ:1000nm~1400nm;Ⅱ:1400nm~1860nm;Ⅲ:1860nm~22500nm;)进行了回归特征提取,确定了最佳回归波长,给出了各段回归的数学模...
T210 - HBM
All-Round Torque Measurement Solution. Precise acquisition of torque and rotational speed in test stands. Numerous possible applications within the industry environment. The optional IO-Link technology ensures easy integration into your existing infrastructure and helps you to optimize costs now and in future.
Coating Al BlazeWavelength 22500nm. 70.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 —11th Order — 12th Order (nm) — 13th order — 14th Order . Title: E Catalog Curve 8058 40 gpmm 22500 nm blaze ...
Supercontinuum generation | Nature Photonics
2022年12月19日 · Ultralow-noise erbium:fibre comb technology allows the generation of a comb spanning six octaves, from the ultraviolet (350 nm) to the mid-infrared (22,500 nm), with a resolving power of 10 10...
什么是平行轴减速机?平行轴减速机有哪些特点?型号有哪些?_平 …
2016年11月10日 · 平行轴斜齿轮减速由两级或3级斜齿轮组成,与减速比有关,装在相同的箱体内。总共11个规格的平行轴斜齿轮减速机,转矩范围由3到22500NM。电机最大输出功率为200KW。 平行轴斜齿轮减速机的传动比范围从i=3.77到i=31434分级精细。
Distributed Feedback Lasers 2200 nm - 2600 nm | nanoplus
nanoplus DFB lasers are available at any customized wavelength between 2200 nm and 2600 nm. Explore their specifications, packaging options and references here.
Torque sensors - Kistler
Piezoelectric reaction torque sensors offer convincing features such as exceptional overload protection, high signal resolution and a wide frequency range. They are ideal for measurement tasks when conditions are difficult due to geometry, temperature range or dynamics. Learn more about torque sensors by downloading the PDF catalogue.
A six-octave optical frequency comb from a scalable few-cycle …
2020年5月27日 · In this Letter we introduce a scalable source of near-single-cycle, 0.56 MW pulses generated from robust and low-noise erbium fiber (Er:fiber) technology, and we use it to generate a frequency comb that spans six octaves from the ultraviolet (350 nm) to …