Damn Vape NITROUS 22mm RDA - Element Vape
Check out the Damn Vape NItrous 22mm RDA, featuring a 1.5mL deep juice wells, elevated postless build deck, and single or dual coil configuration. Constructed from durable stainless steel, the rebuildable dripping atomizer is one of the smallest available on the market, measuring in at a 22mm diameter with 1.5mL deep juice wells.
- 评论数: 27
Damn Vape Nitrous Plus 22mm RDA | Rebuildable Drip Atomizer
The Damn Vape Nitrous Plus 22mm RDA is a versatile rebuildable atomizer featuring dual coil or single coil options. Its ultra compact chamber makes for a smooth, quiet, and tasty vaping experience. With 22mm in size and easy building capabilities, it's a great choice for vapers who want a reliable atomizer for all their vaping needs.
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Rebuildable Atomizers | Vape RDA, RTA, RDTA, and RBA - VaporDNA
Shop the latest RDA, RTA, and RDTA vape products - from classic dripper atomizers to extremely convenient RTAs. Look no further for amazing flavor at an affordable price!
dotmod dotRDA SINGLE COIL 22mm RDA - Element Vape
The dotmod dotRDA Single Coil 22mm RDA is a gold lover's dream atomizer, featuring a dynamic single coil configuration build deck, 7mm deep juice wells, and squonk-ready BF pin to pair with today's best squonk mods.
- 评论数: 11
dotMod dotRDA X 22mm RDA | Rebuildable Drip Atomizer
The dotMod dotRDA X is a versatile rebuildable drip atomizer with classic dotMod styling. The revolutionary design of the dotRDA X seamlessly transitions from a single coil configuration RDA to a dual coil configuration RDA. The overall diameter of the dotRDA X is 23.28mm with an aluminum cap and iconic dotMod gold plated deck.
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Psyclone Citadel 22mm RDA | Bottom-Feeding Vape …
The Psyclone Citadel 22mm RDA is a vaping powerhouse with plenty of customization, featuring a dual post build deck, ULTEM chamber reducer, and an integrated squonk pin, making this an incredibly versatile rebuildable atomizer.
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五款22mm单发滴油电子烟雾化器rda盘点 - 电子烟网|悦客|悦 …
五款22mm直径的RDA产品体型小巧而且具有不错的颜值,而且都符合底部注油设备玩家对于滴油雾化器便捷性的要求。 而且即使不使用底部注油设备,单纯的进行顶部烟油滴加时也能够具备很强的便捷性。
Auguse Era V2 RDA 22mm - Vapesourcing
Auguse Era V2 RDA is the second generation of Auguse Era RDAs, featuring 22mm diameter, pre-installed BF pins, and compatible spare pins in the package. Auguse Era V2 RDA is durable and tough. It is made of premium stainless steel and thus qualified for daily vaping needs. It is compatible with 3mm and 4.5mm drip tips.
- 评论数: 3
Wotofo Serpent BF RDA | 22mm BF Dual Coil RDA
Wotofo Serpent BF RDA Features: 22mm Diameter x 30mm High. Deep Juice Well. Superior 316 Stainless Steel Construction. Embedded Build Deck Design. Horizontal Two-Post, Quad Terminal Design. Top-Secured via Hex Flathead Screws. Single or Dual Coil Configurations. Side Airflow Delivery – Triple Airslots. Direct-to-Coil Chamber Effect. 810 ULTEM ...
GeekVape Tsunami 22mm RDA - ALIVAPE
The GeekVape Tsunami 22mm RDA is the latest creative two-post rebuildable atomizer from the innovative Geek Vape, featuring a conceptualized airflow style (similar to Kennedy RDA), spacious build chamber, rectangular post terminals with high-quality set screws, and 510 drip tip adapter to accommodate three included drip tip.The Tsunami 22mm RDA ...