LDMOS RF Power Amplifier 23cm 300 Watt – VHFDesign
2020年5月18日 · LDMOS RF Power Amplifier 23cm 300 Watt designed to work with 23cm band amateur radio transceivers. – Integrated controller design, controller integrated into main PA box. First option allow you to install the controller in a ham shack and PA box closer to antenna. Second option is for installing the PA on the operator desk.
23cm PA with GI-7 - nd2x.com
Top view of PA chassis, showing two completed GI-7B PAs installed with a 90 degree hybrid combiners on both input (low power) and output (high power). Fifty Watts of drive easily yields 500W output. Grid current must be kept under 100mA per tube to control thermal drift.
PA 23cm 1296 MHz MRFE6S9160 150 Watt – VHFDesign
2016年12月22日 · You can setup PA 23cm 150W block near antenna or assemble a complete solution with power supply, RF Power and temperature display, protection and automation. Edition of this PA on two MRFE6S9160 transistors with power up …
Details of the G4BAO 23cm 45W PA published in RadCom June …
This repository contains details of the G4BAO 45Watt 23cm Power Amplifier published in RSGB RadCom Magazine in June 2009 and later in the book " Microwave Know How for the Radio Amateur" by Andy Barter, G8ATD. This PA was sold for many years as a kit by the designer.
23 cm PA with Mitsubishi RA18H1213G - OZ1BXM
2017年2月6日 · This page describes how I assembled a 23 cm PA kit based on the Mitsubishi RA18H1213G power module. All components except the power module were purchased from Bert Modderman PE1RKI. He is a wizard with his CNC milling machine. Mechanical parts sold by him are beautiful and perfect!
MKU PA 23CM-1200W A, Power Amplifier - Kuhne electronic
Our high-performance amplifier for the 23 cm amateur radio band achieves great performance, high efficiency and best linearity. In contrast to tube amplifiers, an LDMOS transistor with a supply voltage of only +50 V is used here.
23cm PA with GI-7 - df6na.de
A 23cm AMPLIFIER USING THE GI-7 TUBE. This is based on a CT1DMK design, with the anode cavity recalculated fromrectangular to cylindrical shape. The idea was to make a mechanically andthermally stable design using thick walled standard metric copper tubing. The prototype shown on the photos was built and tested by Pavle, S57RA.
23cm PA with GI-7 - nd2x.com
At 2.5kV anode voltage and with good air cooling, it puts out 250W easily with about 12.7dB of gain. It can be pushed up to 500W output, but thermal stability becomes a problem. The complete GI-7BT power amplifier. The air inlet is a 1" pipe filled with waveguide beyond cutoff material.
23cm PA with GI-7 - nd2x.com
Made from 80/74mm copper tube 8mm long, M76x1 inside thread. Tighten this firmly, as this is the maximum current end of the cavity.
300w 23cm Amplifier - W6PQL
The 23 cm amplifier pictured here delivers more than 300 watts with 10 watts drive. I've actually driven it to 400w+. It's water-cooled, thermally stable, and very smooth-tuning. It includes a TR switch, relay sequencer, and all controls necessary to operate the amplifier safely and reliably.