The S-24C16C is a 2-wire, low current consumption and wide range operation serial E2PROM. The S-24C16C has the capacity of 16 K-bit, and the organization is 2048 words 8-bit. Page write and sequential read are available.
The Atmel® AT24C16C provides 16,384 bits of Serial Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) organized as 2,048 words of 8 bits each. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential.
S-24C16C 是低消耗电流、宽工作电压范围的2 线串行E2PROM 。 容量为16 K 位,构成为2048字 8位。 可进行页写入和顺序读出。 注意 本产品是为了使用于家电设备、办公设备、通信设备等普通的电子设备上而设计的。 考虑使用在汽车车载设备 (包 括车载音响、无匙车锁、发动机控制等) 和医疗设备用途上的客户,请务必事先与本公司的营业部门商谈。 *1. 每个地址 (字 : 8 位) WLP-6J. *1. 请与GND相连接。 *2. 请妥善处理,以防被输入高阻抗。 有关形状请参阅“外形尺寸图”。 注意 …
AT24C16_IDCHIP (英锐芯)_AT24C16中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
24C16是一款16K位电可擦除PROM,采用两线串行接口。 支持1.8V~5.5V的工作电压,具有页写能力和多种封装形式,适用于智能仪器仪表、工业控制、家用电器、计算机笔记本电脑、汽车电子和通信设备等领域。 AT24C16由IDCHIP (英锐芯)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 AT24C16价格参考¥0.336。 IDCHIP (英锐芯) AT24C16参数名称:接口类型:I2C;时钟频率 (fc):400kHz~1MHz;工作电压:1.8V~5.5V;写周期时间 (Tw):5ms;数据保留 - TDR ( …
AT24C16C I²C-Compatible (2-Wire) Serial EEPROM 16‑Kbit (2,048 x 8) Features • Low-Voltage Operation: – VCC = 1.7V to 5.5V • Internally Organized as 2,048 x 8 (16K)
24C16/P Microchip Technology - 24C16/P | DigiKey Electronics
Order today, ships today. 24C16/P – EEPROM Memory IC 16Kbit I2C 100 kHz 3.5 µs 8-PDIP from Microchip Technology. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
The S-24C16C H series is a high temperature operation 2-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. The S-24C16C H series has the capacity of 16 K-bit, and the organization is 2048 words 8-bit. Page write and sequential read are available.
S24C16C datasheet(1/35 Pages) SII
The S-24C16C Datasheet search, datasheets, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors.
24C16 Datasheet(PDF) - STMicroelectronics
Description: 16 Kbit Serial I2C Bus EEPROM with User-Defined Block Write Protection. Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics.
S-24C16C (WLP 产品) 数据表、规格、型号一览和支持 - 艾普凌科 …
艾普凌科 s-24c16c是低消耗电流、宽工作电压范围的2线串行e2prom。 容量为16 K位,构成为2048字 × 8位。 可进行页写入和顺序读出。