Sighting in a 25 yards... - Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年3月27日 · It's an old rule of thumb to get you on paper at 25 and 200 yds, There are a lot of variables that will affect it but in most cases you will be at least 2 inches high at 200 yds if your zero is at 25. With my 300 RUM shooting a 180 E-Tips @ 3400 fps, a 25 yd zero, zeros me @ 400 yds and puts me 6.8" high @ 200 yds.
Sighting 308 - Long Range Hunting Forum
2004年12月18日 · Using the ballistics data on the remington web site, and assuming a scope height of 1.5 inches above the bore, I have calculated the following 25 yard drop for a 100 yard zero Premier Scirocco Bonded .308 150gr Bullet Plots 0.69 Inches Low at 25 Yards Premier Core-Lokt Ultra .308 150gr Bullet Plots 0.68 Inches Low at 25 Yards
200 yd zero for a .25-06? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2013年8月17日 · i own a 25-06 and so do a few of the local hunters i know. everybody but myself zeroes them at mpbr. that is three inches high at 100 yds. i use a ballistic reticled scope so i zero at 200 yds or 1.6 inches high at 100 yds using hornady 117 gn interlock bullets exclusively. theres some great advice from the crew on this subject. best of luck.
Ruger american predator - Long Range Hunting Forum
2024年11月17日 · Shot 1 more time at 25 yards and it went in the same hole as the previous shot so that concluded that range day. Irritated trying to think of what this issue is I made sure that there was rifling thinking for some odd reason there wasn't but there was, so I figured I'd try another scope and the one currently on the american I'd put on my ...
Help Needed - Understanding Mils - Long Range Hunting Forum
2018年10月30日 · Fire three shots aiming at dead center. Use your scope to estimate ~ how many 1/10ths" your bullet holes are off target's dead center. Adjust elevation & windage via 1mil = .9" at 25 yards Move target to 100 yards. Fire three rounds aiming dead center. Adjust elevation and windage after the three shots via 1 mil = 3.6" => 0.1mil = .36".
25-06 out to 500 yds??? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2011年10月30日 · My Weatherby 25-06 is sighted to zero at 300 yards. Trajectory is fairly flat at close range, but will shoot about 4" high at 100 yds, and 5" high at 200, by 400 yards drop is over 11". Compensating for bullet drop with the proper scope is not difficult, but making a clean kill on an game animal is.
.22-250 sight in help - Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年7月31日 · It all depends on whether you plan to use the rifle for target practice or mainly for hunting. I have mine sighted in at 200 yards, knowing that it will be just a bit high at 100 yards, and a bit low at 300 yards. After 300 yards, .22-250 bullets tend to drop like a rock and require some good knowledge of the amount of bullet drop.
6.5 CR sighting in height at 100 yards - Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年4月10日 · For decades I employed the old 3" high at 100 yards sight-in method. This was the max point-blank range concept, and it revolved around the six-inch circle that somebody once wrote about as being the size of a deer's vitals. The max PBR for most of the cartridges we used was in the neighborhood of 225 to 250 yards, and this was all fine & dandy.
keyholing 22-250 - 25 yards? | Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年12月26日 · The first time he went bought55gr remington soft points didn't group though it was the ammunition. The next time we used 43gr speertnt. Started are 25 yards first shot keyhole thought maybe tore paper fired another same thing perfect silohete of bullet. The weird thing its not keyholing at 100 yards but was a bad group.
Converting Moa To Inches - Long Range Hunting Forum
2007年5月10日 · Also your night force in calibrated in .25 MOA per click adjustments. Dont use .25" at 1000 yards if you are going by inches. Use .25*1.047 for .26175" per click. Also use .26175*yardage/100 for your click value. Bullet drop in inches divided by that value. Or you can simplify everything and just keep it to using MOA's and skip that much math.