1965 Royal Enfield GP5 250cc Racing Motorcycle - Bonhams
2008年4月27日 · Having noted the success of the Greeves Silverstone, Royal Enfield decided that it should grab a share of the emerging ‘clubman’s racer’ market and began work on a 250 race-bike of its own.
Reference: When was it that? Scorpion | Old Bike Mart
2011年11月28日 · Designated racer 250 GP5, the new model employed a tubular spine frame from which the engine unit was suspended. Of massive dimensions, the main tube was bent to perform the dual function of the usual top and seat tubes, a light welded-on sub frame supporting the rear of the petrol tank and the seat.
Royal Enfield GP5 – still the apple of many people’s eyes
2018年3月17日 · As this Cadwell Park picture shows, the Royal Enfield GP5 250cc road racer still looks as if it’s doing 120mph when it’s standing still. I didn’t start the rebuild for some years, but since being finished with the new bottom end, piston, seals etc. it has been paraded frequently at Mallory Park, Oliver’s Mount and Cadwell Park by John ...
MONTESA 1969 250 GP5 START OF REBUILD - forum.ozvmx.com
2012年2月22日 · What front wheel is fitted? I think the full width hub the same as the early scorpion is correct but the one in the photo looks like an early Husky? It has the scorpion pegs and mounts which is really good as the originals are fixed pegs I think.
So much for the Royal Enfield GP5 being a failure!
2018年2月21日 · John Swannack flies around the Croft on his Royal Enfield GP5 in 1967. That year, with a works-spec engine fitted, his bike won every 250cc race it entered at the North Yorkshire circuit. Note the sole of his boot!
赛道技术下放的小排仿赛——元图 GP 250
元图GP250搭载的是自主研发的直列双缸水冷八气门四冲程发动机,最大功率23.5kW,最大扭矩21.85N·m,最大马力32匹。 这款发动机的动力输出强劲,升功率高达94.4kW,极速可达160km/h以上。 发动机设计取向偏中高转,5000-12000转是动力爆发的甜区。 操控性能:车身轻量化设计,整备重量仅170公斤,人机三角关系良好,操控性和稳定性出色。 配备外置气囊可调减震,可在“舒适”与“运动”之间切换,在过弯时能提供良好的支撑。 制动性能:前后碟刹标配双 …
Un encadré reprend les caractéristiques techniques de la moto : puissance du moteur, mode de transmission, dimensions et performances, Vous pourrez ainsi comparer les différents modèles entre eux. Enfin une légende donne plus de précisions sur la moto présentée au recto.
元图23款 GP250 - 元图机车 - Vinto Motor
自研双缸水冷八气门高转速发动机,最大功率23.5kW, 最大扭矩21.85N·m。 超强心脏造就卓越动力,完虐速度轻松刺破风阻. 全段可调式倒置前减震, DIY出你的专属骑行模式,适应多种骑行场景,拒绝路面颠簸,带来极致酣畅操控体验. 整车全系标配LED集成式灯具。 叶眉式前日行灯+金钩式前转向灯,集成于前大灯。 金弓式后位灯+柳叶式后转弯灯,集成于后尾灯。 大幅度提升安全性和视觉效果,照射距离和辅路效果极佳. 5英寸车规级TFT全彩液晶屏幕仪表。光线感应,自适应 …
GP5 內襯區&鏡片專區 - motohigher.com
nt$250 ~ nt$300 . 鎖式泡泡鏡 通用鏡片區 (華泰kk 805p & 808 & 806 & gp5 319 & 020 & 026 & 340) nt$250 ~ nt$350 . gp5 380 & 318 & yamaha kc 380 共用鏡片區 . nt$180 ~ nt$250 ...
1965 Royal Enfield GP5 Racer in United Kingdom - For Sale...
1965 1966 Royal Enfield GP5 Racer With Triumph Motor SOLD. 1965 1966 Royal Enfield GP5 Racer With Triumph Motor SOLD. 1965; NA; Dealer; United Kingdom; ... Royal Enfield Bill Lomas Enfield 250 Racer - original - LHD. POA. West Midlands. 1964 Royal Enfield Olympic. From £1,000. Offline Auction. Cape Town.