标称的导线截面积与美国线规(AWGMCM)对照 - 百度文库
iso 标称的导线截面积 mm2 0.2 - 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 - 120 150 185 240 300 awg /mcm 24 22 20 18 - 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 00 000 0000 250mcm 300mcm 350mcm 500mcm 600mcm 金属线芯面积 mm2 0.205 0.324 0.52 0.82 - 1.3 2.1 3.3 5.3 8.4 13.3 21.2 33.6 53.5 67.4 85 107.2 127 152 177 253 304
MM2 to AWG – Wire Size Conversion Chart, Table, & Calculator [PDF]
2018年3月5日 · This is the most complete comprehensive MM2 to AWG chart available comparing metric sizes to AWG or American Wire sizes. Be sure to use this MM to AWG conversion calculator often. If you find our MM to AWG table valuable, go ahead and bookmark it …
Wire conductor Size Reference Chart 電線線徑尺寸 AWG Kmil - PHI
Definitions. Mil: 0.001 inch. Circular Mil: The area of a circle 0.001 inch in diameter. MCM: Thousands of Circular Mils. kcmil: Thousands of Circular Mils (same as MCM)
kcmil Wire Size Chart (Ampacity Of 250-2000 MCM Wires)
kcmil or MCM are considered bigger wires (bigger than AWG wires). We generally use these thick wires when we need more than 200 amp service. Which kcmil wire exactly we need for carrying high currents is determined by the kcmil wire size chart (check the chart further on). Example: What is the ampacity of 400 kcmil copper wire?
kcmil To mm2 Calculator (Formula + Chart For 250-2000 MCM …
This chart will tell you how many mm2 crosssections do 250 kcmil, 300 kcmil, 350 kcmil, 400 kcmil, 500 kcmil, 600 kcmil, 700 kcmil, …, 2000 kcmil wires have. Let’s first look at the calculator and we will check out the chart further on:
AWG to mm2 | Gauge to mm conversion - RapidTables.com
American wire gauge (AWG) to mm and mm2 conversion calculator, chart and how to convert.
Cross Reference AWG to MM2 | Multi/Cable Corporation
APAC Region Sales Office 80, 41st Cross, 8th Block Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560070 India +91 80 41315863 [email protected]
Convert area: 250 mm2 (square millimeter) to ... - Online unit …
The area value 250 mm2 (square millimeter) in words is "two hundred and fifty mm2 (square millimeter)". This is simple to use online converter of weights and measures. Simply select the input unit, enter the value and click "Convert" button. The value will be converted to all other units of the actual measure.
MCM:千圆密耳 mille-circle milMCM=0.5067mm^2
申远高温线--铁氟龙高温线_AF250_镀银铜线 - Shenyuan
③优良的阻燃性,满足VW-1、IEC60332-1-2、GB/T 18380.12标准。 适用于家用电器,照明灯具,电子设备,温度传感器,航空航天,军工产品,汽车内部连接线等。 交货要求: 按双方合同协议商定,允许不小于10米的短段交货。 其数量应不超过交货总长度的10%。 注:根据供需双方协议,可以生产其他规格的产品。 上海申远高温线有限公司专注耐高温电线电缆、硅橡胶电缆线、地感线圈、新能源线缆、铁氟龙高温线、耐火电线电缆、高温线研发、制造和销售26年.立志成 …