250A - 800A 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Summary This specification describes the requirements for a combination automatic static transfer switch and power distribution unit. The Liebert® STS2 / Liebert® PDU shall include two isolation transformers connected to a solid-state, three-pole, dual-position static transfer switch designed to switch
产品 / PDU / 基本型 - 深圳市瑞博网络技术有限公司
PDU (POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT),提供最为专业的多样化电源分配单元,支持从市电,UPS,配电柜等电源输出模块取电,保证从配电到负载的最后一个环节的用电安全。
Liebert STS2-PDU Static Transfer | Power Transfer Switch - Vertiv
With a single, space-saving unit, the Liebert STS2-PDU static transfer switch/power distribution unit provides power distribution and automatic switching between two different AC power sources. The Liebert STS2-PDU is available in 250A, 400A, 600A and 800A systems, in …
24-ports PA45 PDU – ANEN POWER
PDU Specifications. Input Voltage: 3-phase 346~480V; Input Current: 3*250A; Main busbar: silver plated copper; Output voltage: 3-phase 346-480V or single-phase 200~277V ; Outlet: 24 ports of 6-pin PA45 Sockets (P34) organized in three sections; PDU is compatible for 3-phase T21 and single-phase S21; Each port has 3P 20A circuit breaker (3P 16A ...
PDU - NetEngine 8000 X V800R024C00SPC500 硬件描述 - 华为
本产品用于解决用户机房大规格配电输出线路不足的问题,降低设备端对机房配电线路数量的要求,提高配电的灵活性。 该产品可以实现将6路或12路直流输入转换成24路输出,在用户机房无法提供足够配电线路的时候,可以选配该产品。 •通过内部铜排短接可实现6路输入,24路输出。
PDU - 四川中光防雷科技股份有限公司
适用于-48V直流电源配电,具有10路可控输出,整机工作电流最大200A。 主要用于机房专用机柜内系统设备的交流配电(TT、TN、IT),支持大电流输入。
定向智能Pdu与NEMA 7-20R插座3相480V输入277V输出以太网250A PDU
定向智能pdu与nema 7-20r插座3相480v输入277v输出以太网250a Pdu , Find Complete Details about 定向智能pdu与nema 7-20r插座3相480v输入277v输出以太网250a Pdu,Ip Pdu配电装置,沉浸式pdu智能pdu,机架pdu机柜pdu from Supplier or Manufacturer-Dongguan Orient Electronics & …
250AMP Power Distribution Board - HeatLoad.co.uk
For Data Centres that do not have the power distribution installed during commissioning or the Integrated Systems Test (IST) we can provide temporary 250A PDUs, which are compatible with all of our heat load units.
Liebert® TFX, 250kVA | Power Distribution Unit - Vertiv
Designed to provide 150-300 kVA power in small to mid-sized data centers, the Liebert® TFX PDU offers reliable and configurable power distribution in a compact unit. It fits through doorways and into service or freight elevators, and can be easily installed in …
MOD.DU-FS2-250A Temporary Power Distribution Unit - El-Björn
The MOD.DU-FS2-250A is a durable freestanding Temporary Power Distribution Unit designed to meet the demanding power requirements of construction sites, industrial applications, and tower crane operations.