10 USC 2564a: Provision of assistance for adaptive sports ... - House
§2564a. Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs: members of the armed forces; certain veterans (a) Program Authorized.-(1) The Secretary of Defense may establish a military adaptive sports program to support the provision of adaptive sports programming for-
2564a - U.S. Code Title 10. Armed Forces - FindLaw
Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs: members of the armed forces; certain veterans. (a) Program authorized.-- (1) The Secretary of Defense may establish a military adaptive sports program to support the provision of adaptive sports programming for--
10 U.S. Code § 2564a - LII / Legal Information Institute
Under such criteria as the Secretary of Defense may establish under the military adaptive sports program, the Secretary may award grants to, or enter into contracts and cooperative …
10 U.S.C. § 2564a (2022) - Provision of assistance for adaptive …
10 U.S.C. § 2564a (2022) Section Name §2564a. Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs: members of the armed forces; certain veterans: Section Text (a) Program Authorized.—(1) The Secretary of Defense may establish a military adaptive sports program to support the provision of adaptive sports programming for—
Flotation Vest System - LBT
2564A Flotation Vest. 2564A Flotation Vest. Skip to content Search. Carriers / LBE Carriers G3 Carrier & Accessories Plate Carriers Canine PC Accessories Plate Carrier Sizing Wearables Belts Slings ALL WEARABLES ...
§2564a TITLE 10—ARMED FORCES Page 1752 Account may be obligated until 15 days after the con-gressional defense committees have been notified in writing by the Secretary of Defense as to the purpose for which these funds will be obligated.’’ §2564a. Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs for members of the armed forces
§2564a. Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs: members of the armed forces; certain veterans (a) PROGRAMAUTHORIZED.—(1) The Secretary of Defense may establish a military adaptive sports program to support the provision of adaptive sports programming for— (A) any member of the armed forces who is
C2 VBSS 2654A 浮力战术背心小评_作战装具_战甲军品资料网
Mar 14, 2016 · 相比直系祖先LBT-1620G-R系列,C2的2654A(LBT2564a)一共可安防四块浮力板,在落水的紧急状况下四块浮力板可以使得队员获得一线生机,同时与LBT-1620G-R相比,C2的2654A(LBT2564a)更类似于传统战术背心的设计使得防护插板的安置更为方便。 既然是战术背心,那么装备的挂载必然是非常重要的部分,C2的2654A(LBT2564a)也不例外,尽管没有常见的molle织带,致使其缺乏自由组合的功能,但是2654A(LBT2564a)依旧有较多的附 …
DC2564A 评估套件 | 亚德诺半导体 - Analog
演示电路2564a是一款42v、0.35a微功耗同步降压型稳压器,内置lt8606。 该演示板设计提供5V输出和5.5V至42V的输入。 宽输入范围支持各种输入源,如汽车电池和工业电源。
§2564a. Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs for ...
(1) The Secretary of Defense may establish a military adaptive sports program to support the provision of adaptive sports programming for members of the armed forces who are eligible to participate in adaptive sports because of an injury or wound incurred in …
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