Signal Operations Support Specialist | U.S. Army - goarmy.com
We have 29 jobs available in Signal & Intelligence. In this job, you’ll maintain vital signal support systems and terminal devices; the equipment that needs to consistently work in order for commanders to stay informed, track, and direct the movement of their troops.
Signal Support Systems Specialist (25U) - United States Army
Signal Support Systems Specialist (25U) Overview. Maintain radio and data distribution systems; Signal support systems specialists are primarily responsible for working with battlefield signal...
MOS 25U Duty Descriptions - ArmyWriter.com
MOS 25U was known as 31U before fiscal year 2005. The major duties, physical demands, physical profile, and skill levels were obtained from Army Pamphlet 611-21. Use this form to contribute examples.
Army Support Operations Specialist (MOS 25U) - Operation …
2024年6月18日 · Serving in the U.S. Army as a Support Operations Specialist (MOS 25U) will train you as well as provide real-world experience for a number of civilian job occupations. Those that leave the military in 25U MOS eventually find careers as radio mechanics, operators, installers, and repairers.
25U MOS: Guide for Signal Support Systems Specialists - USArmyBasic.com
2023年12月11日 · Also known as 25U, these specialists are the backbone of signal operations support. They are responsible for maintaining, troubleshooting, and operating various communication and information systems, ensuring seamless connectivity on the battlefield.
Army National Guard
25U Signal Support Systems Specialist. Maintain equipment, terminal devices, assigned vehicles and power generators.
MOS 25U—Signal Support Systems Specialist - Army Portal
2011年5月10日 · Signal Support Systems Specialist (MOS 25U) duty description, required ASVAB score and security clearance, physical requirements, and available enlistment bonus are provided.
Army COOL - Overview
2025年3月3日 · Choose a military occupation from one of the expansion lists below. After you have selected an occupation, the types of information available include: Note that not all occupations will have all sections.
Army COOL - 25U - Signal Operations Support Specialist MOS
2025年3月3日 · Choose a military occupation from one of the expansion lists below. After you have selected an occupation, the types of information available include: Note that not all occupations will have all sections.
MOS 25U Signal Support Systems Specialist Awards - ArmyWriter.com
25U Signal Operations Support Specialist. Superior RTO Performance: Hand-selected as the Radio Telephone Operator (RTO) for 1-26 IN during JRTC Rotation 24-10, outperforming six other 25Us. Established and maintained seamless communication between 1SFAB and Brazilian Army's 1COY 52BIS, strengthening multinational cooperation and trust.