新天瀑都市型 160 非恒温淋浴系统 | 德国高仪中国官方网站
The GROHE New Tempesta Cosmopolitan 160 shower system with single-lever mixer has the features to make your shower a truly relaxing experience. The shower system contains a 160mm head shower, 100mm hand shower and a 1750mm Silverflex hose.
Tempesta Cosmopolitan 160 - Grohe
26224000. EAN. 4005176313240. Colour. chrome. Download specs. Product main features. consisting of: horizontal swivable 390 mm shower arm; exposed single-lever shower mixer with diverter; allows change between: head shower Euphoria Cosmopolitan 160 (28 232 000) spray pattern: Rain; with ball joint;
新天瀑200都市型 淋浴系统,带分水器 | 德国高仪中国官方网站
新天瀑都市型100mm手持花洒,带一根1500mm的Relexaflex软管,有4种出色的喷洒模式: 雨淋式,轻如空气的高仪富氧雨淋式,强劲的激射式,以及脉动的按摩式。 分水器距离上支架620mm,方便在手持花洒、头顶花洒以及头顶花洒环保设置之间切换。 滑动元件方便调节花洒高度和喷洒角度。 方便的硅胶快速清洁喷嘴可防止污垢和水垢堆积。 高仪星闪镀铬饰面防刮耐用,可保持多年持久闪亮,内置水道可防止花洒表面过热,保护您的肌肤以及光泽闪耀的镀铬涂 …
Tempesta Cosmopolitan 160 Shower system with single lever for …
The GROHE New Tempesta Cosmopolitan 160 shower system with single-lever mixer has the features to make your shower a truly relaxing experience. The shower system contains a 160mm head shower, 100mm hand shower and a 1750mm Silverflex hose.
GROHE Ntempcosmopolitan 160 Shower Single-Lever Mixer Tap, 26224000
2015年4月11日 · GROHE Ntempcosmopolitan 160 Shower Single-Lever Mixer Tap, 26224000 in Bathtub & Shower Systems.
- 评论数: 5
Grohe 26224000, New Tempesta Cosmop. System 單把手淋浴系 …
Grohe 26224000, 新天瀑都市型 160 單把手淋浴系統
Tempesta shower systems | GROHE - Grohe AG Company Page
Is your brand new dream bathroom practically complete but you still need to choose a shower? Then look no further than GROHE Tempesta shower systems – the perfect choice for modern bathrooms. Easy to install and packed with the newest technologies to make your shower experience the best yet, you can’t go wrong with a Tempesta shower system.
Tolerability of Fluoroquinolones in Management of Latent …
2015年11月15日 · PMID: 26224000 PMCID: PMC6276962 DOI: 10.1093/cid/civ639 No abstract available. Publication types Letter Comment MeSH terms Antibiotic Prophylaxis / adverse effects* Antitubercular Agents / adverse effects* Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions / epidemiology* ...
新天瀑都市型210 恒温淋浴系统,带下出水 | 德国高仪中国官方网站
The versatile GROHE Tempesta Cosmopolitan 210 Shower System with bath thermostat adds instant designer style and performance to any bathroom. Ideal for families, the system has a Grohtherm 1000 Cosmopolitan thermostat with a comfortable bath outlet and is packed with GROHE’s cutting edge technology.
汉斯格雅(Hansgrohe)淋浴花洒26224007报价_参数_图片_视频_怎么 …
苏宁易购提供汉斯格雅 (Hansgrohe)淋浴花洒26224007最新价格,包括优质商家报价、参数、图片、视频、问答、评价、怎么样等详细信息。 关注苏宁易购,为您购买汉斯格雅hansgrohe德国原装境雨rainfinity250顶喷恒温淋浴花洒提供有价值的参考。