The US Army Marksmanship Unit's .264 USA
2014年11月10日 · The .264 USA follows the 7x46mm UIAC, designed by Cris Murray (who was once also of the USAMU), very closely in performance. Further, it will be very close to the 7x46mm in size and weight, and therefore closer to 7.62mm in both respects than to 5.56mm.
FN’s Individual Weapon System in .264 USA - The Armourers Bench
2023年3月12日 · This weapon system shall be comprised of four main components: a lightweight .264 inch (6.5 mm) intermediate caliber projectile loaded in a lightweight polymer cartridge case; a lightweight purpose-built caliber .264 USA detachable box-magazine; a purpose-built lightweight modular weapon platform.
Modern Intermediate Calibers 021: The US Army Marksmanship Unit's .264 USA
2016年8月31日 · The .264 USA is a direct response to combat in Afghanistan, where the primary threat to US infantrymen was emplaced 7.62x54mmR general purpose machine guns engaging Allied forces at long ranges, beyond where troops armed with 5.56mm carbines could effectively return fire. As a result, the .264 USA is a very large cartridge by intermediate ...
FN LLIC IWS步枪 - 枪炮世界
.264 usa弹:左边是最初的铜壳弹,但在吉姆·史卡茨提出licc概念时,已经改进出右边的塑料壳复合弹 FN公司.264 LICC弹外形,这种弹基本继承了.264 USA的特点,但弹壳有所缩短,以便缩短全弹长度,同样是两件式复合弹壳,但由塑料改为不锈钢
What about FN .264 LICC? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年3月31日 · The .264 LICC (Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge) is based on the .264 USA, which is a 6.5x48 cartridge developed by the AMU (Army Marksmanship Unit) with a case head of .441, like the 6.5 Grendel; it’s basically a stretched Grendel.
FN America (FNA) Previews the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber ...
2023年1月16日 · USAMU did an excellent job with .264 USA and incorporating lightweight steel case technology only adds to its appeal. If chamber pressures are increased, the new 6.5×43 mm standard may even be able to defeat level IV body armour above 200 metres.
AUSA 24 - FN Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC ...
2024年10月28日 · The carbine and machine gun are both chambered to fire the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) in .264 USA which was initially developed by the the Army Marksmanship Unit. As you can see, the case is steel.
6.5mm中口径弹药——USASOC之选 - 哔哩哔哩
采用了聚合物弹壳的5.56和7.62mm弹药,中间的铜壳弹即是.264 USA弹药. 然而,许多对中口径弹药的批评与赞美都还流于理论,这正是6.5mm Creedmoor系统试验的意义。有了这些经验,北约军队在未来轻武器发展方面将先发制人。
美军又搞了一种新枪!5个口径十几种型号,这是要干嘛?丨轻武 …
2023年2月11日 · 2014年,美国陆军神射手部队研发了一种新枪弹:.264 usa步枪弹。这种枪弹被开发团队认为是一种“全能步枪弹”,能够取代美军现役的5.56和7.62毫米步枪弹。后来,这一项目得到了美国反恐技术支持办公室(cttso)的支持,而iws正是在这种子弹的基础上开发的。
USAMU的“理想口径通用步枪弹”——.264 USA - 百度贴吧
USAMU(US Army Marksmanship Unit,美国陆军射击队)推出了自己“理想口径通用步枪弹”——.264 USA(如果转换成公制的话,大概就是6.5×47mm)。 这款由USAMU的部分成员设计的弹药希望成为美军的下一代制式弹药,以取代现有的5.56×45mm NATO和7.62×51mm NATO。