270 AR - AR15.COM
2013年12月19日 · It's designed by Harrison Beene from AR Performance, the guy that fixed the problems with the 6.8SPC that remington messed up. It's an incredible round for an AR15 size …
270 WSM in an AR - Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年5月8日 · I’m intrigued by the ballistics of the 270 WSM cartridge. Considering an AR build in this caliber. Would love to make this my all-around hunting rifle for coyote, hog, white tail. …
ar15 .270 conversion - Springfield XD Forum
2008年9月3日 · If you want a .270 caliber in the AR15 look for a 6.8 SPC. It's a fairly new round made for the spec ops guys that wanted something bigger than 5.56/.223. Remington makes …
.270 AR? - AR15.COM
2006年6月9日 · The 270 winchester cartridge is too long for ANY AR-10 based rifles. Those 7mm and 300 mags are remington short action ultra mags which are the same loaded length as a …
Anyone tried a 270-08AI in an AR-10? - AR15.COM
2014年11月16日 · The .270 Winchester was originally going to be a 7mm, but in the post-Great War period, manufacturers in the US became averted from using metric dimensions for new …
.270 win AR - possible? - Page 1 - AR15.COM
2009年5月7日 · The barrel would have to be chambered for .270 winchester. Also the .270 is used in long actions so it could not fit in a .308 magazine or lower. There are not any AR …
270AR SPR (New AR-15 cartridge coming this fall) - AR15.COM
2013年7月14日 · The 270 AR does make good energy numbers but I assume you posted the HITS up on your chart because it is important. If you notice the Grendel and the 270 go below …
.270 WSM AR-10... anyone? - AR15.COM
2009年12月2日 · Decided to re-barrel my Savage Model 12 from .223 to .270 WSM. I'll have to change the bolt face too. I got to thinking, I can do this because the .270 WSM works in short …
AR 10 270 WSM - AR15.COM
2019年10月24日 · AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's …
270 WSM in an AR | Page 2 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年5月10日 · Armalite AR-10, Bushmaster. Google AR-10 300 WSM, the AR-15 Forum & 68Forum.com both have extensive info on the failings of the WSM Case. It is a bolt action …