EPROMS 2708, 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128, 27256, 27512, 274001
2015年9月21日 · Memory: EPROM and CMOS EPROM UV Eraseable 2532 4K x 8 bits EPROM. Requires -5V, +5V and +25V.
An easy to build programmer for 2704 / 2708 / TMS2716 / …
2019年9月22日 · When programming 270x/TMS2716 EPROMs, the Arduino must be supplied with a regulated +12V supply as the shield does not generate its own +12V rail. There is a software check to ensure this voltage is correct before powering on the EPROM. For MCM6876x an external power supply is still required however voltage is less strict. Keep it between 10-18V.
EPROM 2708 // retrocmp / retro computing
2025年2月2日 · Make sure that the EPROM is in the correct position in the programming device (pin 1). If the EPROM is inserted incorrectly, the +12V voltage at pin 19 will destroy it. The 2708 EPROM can be programmed with Matt Millman's HVEPROM project , the Cromemco 8K Bytesaver and the Solid State Music - PB1 .
EPROM USA provides custom chip programming services to meet your project needs. We are able to program both modern chips for your newest projects as well as legacy chips for older use cases. We can program many different chip types in multiple industry standard chip packages.
This EPROM is designed for high–density fixed memory applications where fast turn arounds and/or program changes are required. This device is designed for operation from 0° to +70°C and is supplied in a 24–Lead DIP package for insertion in mounting–hole rows on 600–mil (15.2 mm) centers. Features: 1024 X 8 Organization
2704 / 2708 EPROM reader / programmer kit :) - Applefritter
2012年8月22日 · 2704 / 2708 EPROM reader / programmer kit :) Hi there, We was in need to read a 2708 EPROM from some of our historical pieces at our "Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante" Computer Museum; any normal EPROM reader can't read or program those EPROM, and the professional EPROM burner are very expensive.
2 separate programming sockets for 2708 or 2716 (5V) EPROMs. Meets all manufacturers data sheet requirements for programming. Programming voltage generated on board--no need for an external power supply. Programming sockets are DIP switch addressable to any 4K boundary.
GitHub - codesqueak/EPROM-Programmer: 2708 / 2716 EPROM …
2708 / 2716 Simple EPROM Programmer. This card has been designed to be a functional replacement for the Bits & PCs Nascom EPROM Programmer. It is fully compatible with the existing software. The card is a completely new implementation of the design with a number of improvements over the original:
Western Europe - EPROM programmer for 2704/2708 and …
2023年6月24日 · The programmer kit comprises parts to build a 2704/2708 Eprom burner with these main features: Can program 2708 and 2704 types of Eproms (four voltages supplied/generated) Runs on single 5V supply (about 500mA) from USB or separate 5V (power supply not included)
2704 2708 TMS2716 MCM68766 EPROM programmer - eBay
2025年2月18日 · New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See the seller's listing for full details.