272 RSG - minationalguard.dodlive.mil
HHD, 272 Regional Support Group (Lansing, MI) Commander: CPT Daniel Sackmann First Sergeant: 1SG Eric Hutchinson
272nd Regional Support Group | CurrentOps.com
265th RSG Georgia Army National Guard 120th RSG Maine Army National Guard 654th RSG United States Army Reserve 647th RSG United States Army Reserve 207th RSG United States Army Reserve Force structure Browser ARNG Elt, JFHQ Michigan ...
272 RSG Wolfpack | Lansing MI - Facebook
272 RSG Wolfpack, Lansing, Michigan. 732 likes · 2 talking about this. The 272nd Regional Support Group is a Michigan Army National Guard Major...
Michigan National Guard > About Us > Units
Joint Force Headquarters (Lansing) Army Element (Lansing) Headquarters and Headquarters Company (Lansing) 51st Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (Augusta)
RELEASE: Gov. Whitmer Attends Departure Ceremony for Michigan …
LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Commander-in-Chief of the Michigan National Guard, addressed 84 soldiers from the Michigan Army National Guard’s 272nd Regional Support Group (RSG) along with their families and guests at Eastern High School in Lansing.
DVIDS - 272nd Regional Support Group
Michigan Army National Guard Soldier from Durand... LANSING, MI — Staff Sgt. Kirt D. Runyan of Durand, Mich., has retired after 22 years of military service. Runyan is assigned to the 272nd...
Michigan Army National Guard 272nd Regional Support Group to …
2025年1月15日 · LANSING, Mich. — Soldiers with the Michigan Army National Guard (MIARNG) 272nd Regional Support Group, based in Lansing, will return this afternoon from a deployment to Kuwait and Iraq in support of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).
272 RSG Meet The Guard FY23 | Soldiers of the 272 RSG
Soldiers of the 272 RSG engaged with local high school students and ROTC Cadets to display some of the capabilities of the organization and to assist in...
272 RSG Wolfpack - Videos - Facebook
The 272nd Regional Support Group is a Michigan Army National Guard Major Subordinate Command. 272 HHC promoted three Soldiers at Ft. Custer on 4 April. Congratulations to the new promotees: SPC Lamb PFC Fry PFC Williams.
HHD, 272nd RSG | CurrentOps.com
HHD, 272nd RSG U.S. Army. Locations... - Present Jackson, Michigan, United States Follow @currentopscom. Quick facts. Component MI ARNG. Higher headquarters. 272nd RSG | Organic. Force structure Browser 272nd RSG HHD ...