3d打印入门耗材选购建议,petg篇(一) - 什么值得买
2024年5月7日 · 买了a1mini后基本至少要使用一个月5kg的量,如果全选大厂或原厂 耗材,加上自己建模,多次 打印 验证,会造成大量浪费,5kg可能只有1kg的成品,那样成本属实太高了。 …
告别petg打印拉丝,实测参数分享 - 哔哩哔哩
3D打印耗材PETG和PLA有什么区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
petg是一种透明、非结晶型的共聚酯材料。 该材料展现极高的化学稳定性,具备高耐久性,能够抵抗腐蚀和变形。 此外,它还拥有出色的抗冲击性能,意味着在受到外力冲击时能够保持结构 …
PETG Filament Guide (Best Speed and Temperature Settings)
2024年2月20日 · PETG filament is a tough, durable, and flexible material ideal for printing large and flat objects. It’s the perfect material for prints that require durability to resist impacts, with …
关于3D打印耗材—PETG详解 - 激光制造网
2021年9月3日 · 如果你馋了很久的光固化透明打印件却苦于没有光固化3d打印机,或许你应该考虑petg线材,它是fdm打印透明件不二选择。petg 是pet 的乙二醇改性版本,透明的非结晶塑料,...
Spool sizes - - 3dk Trading GmbH
Sizes of our Filament Spools. S-Spool 320 g. Outer ø 170 mm; Inner ø 50 mm; Height 50 mm; Empty weight approx. 100g. 1.75mm: PLA, PETG, 3dKtop approx. 100m, ABS ...
BowTie Extruder Gearbox - Printables.com
2024年7月16日 · Combined with a pancake motor (~120-150g), it allows for significant weight saving over the stock motor (280g). With it's compactness and thus minimal use of filament, it …
Technical data sheet PET-G Description PET-G (Polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified) is a globally used co-polyester, from plastic water bottles to
IEMAI 3D high performance PETG filament is based on FFF/FDM technology, with a commonly used diameter of 1.75 mm, 210-235ºC printing temperature, 50-80 ºC bed temperature, having …
Technical Datasheet PETG General information Trade name Octofiber PETG Filament Polymer name poly(ethylene tereftalate)glycol Filament specifications