Chromanol 293B | Potassium Channel 抑制剂 | MCE - MCE-生物活 …
Chromanol 293B is a selective blocker of the slow delayed rectifier K + current (IKs) with IC 50 of 1-10 μM and a weak inhibitor of KATP channel. Chromanol 293B also blocks the CFTR chloride current with an IC 50 of 19 μM.
The tests prescribed by NRS 293B.150 and 293B.165 must be conducted by processing a preaudited group of logic and accuracy test ballots so voted or marked as to record a predetermined number of valid votes for each candidate and on each measure, and must include for each office one or more ballots which have votes in excess of the number ...
Chromanol 293B | CAS 163163-23-3 | SCBT - Santa Cruz …
Chromanol 293B作为调节离子通道活性的有效剂,通过与KCNQ1通道的相互作用,特异性地靶向慢延迟整流K+电流。 这一作用对于理解控制心脏和神经元兴奋性的复杂机制至关重要,为研究这些组织的电特性提供了关键工具。
PHL 293B - Wikipedia
PHL 293B, also known as Kinman's dwarf, is a low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxy about 22.6 Mpc from the Earth in the constellation Aquarius. [2] It had a very likely associated, notable, blue-light, long-lived star with constant outbursts or a large supernova observed to have faded and which then disappeared.
Effects of the chromanol 293B, a selective blocker of the slow ...
The chromanol derivate 293B blocks currents expressed by minK and not HERG in Xenopus oocytes, but little is known about its effects on native currents and action potentials. We aimed to establish the effects of 293B on K+, Na+ and Ca2+ currents and action potentials in human and guinea pig cardiomyocytes.
(a) Processing on a mechanical recording device, during the periods prescribed in NRS 293B.150 and 293B.165, a group of logic and accuracy test ballots voted so as to record: (1) A vote for each candidate and a vote for and against each measure on the ballot;
二乙酰醇293B_化工百科 - ChemBK
二乙酰醇293b是一种化合物,其英文名为chromanol 293b,cas号为163163-23-3。 性质: 二乙酰醇293b是一种白色结晶性粉末。它具有较强的抗氧化性和抗自由基能力。它也具有良好的水溶性。
TVA non applicable art. 293B du CGI : de quoi s’agit-il - Legalstart.fr
2025年1月27日 · Pour bénéficier du régime de l’article 293B du CGI, c’est-à-dire de la franchise de TVA, les conditions d’application sont réduites à ne pas dépasser un certain seuil de chiffre d’affaires annuel brut. Ce seuil varie selon l’activité professionnelle exercée.
293、293T、293FT 、293A的区别和培养攻略 - BIOON
HEK-293人胚肾细胞:是用5型腺病毒75株系转化,含有Ad5 E1区的人胚肾亚三倍体细胞系,是一种E1区缺陷互补细胞系。 它是加拿大McMaster University 的F.L.Graham与J.S.Miley于1976年用DNA转染技术构建而成。 该细胞为人类腺病毒载体扩增的宿主。 可表达异常的玻连蛋白的细胞表面受体,由整合素β1亚单位和玻连蛋白受体α-v亚单位组成。 HEK-293T人胚肾细胞:人胚肾细胞293细胞插入SV40 T-抗原基因后产生的高转染效率的衍生株称为293T。 该细胞最初的名字 …
DEWALT DCH293B 20V Max XR Brushless 1-1/8” L-Shape SDS Plus …
DEWALT 20V hammer drill features E-Clutch for maximum control in bind-up situations - A Perform and Protect feature. SHOCKS - Active Vibration Control of DEWALT 20V brushless hammer drill reduces vibration felt by the user at the handles. A Perform and Protect feature. Dust Management Ready. Use with D25304DH.