125mm 2A26 - Weaponsystems.net
The 2A26 was developed to have more firepower than the 115m U-5TS, the first smoothbore gun in Soviet service that was used on the T-62 main battle tank. Read more about 115mm U-5TS
115mm 2A20及125mm 2A26/46滑膛炮早期APFSDS介绍:从3BM3 …
1961年6月8日,苏联部长会议国防技术国家委员会决定研发新一代坦克炮,其最终成果便是125mm D81滑膛炮,苏联火箭炮兵总局代号2A26,此坦克炮后续发展型号使用至今。
125 mm smoothbore ammunition - Wikipedia
The following is a list of ammunition fired by the 125 mm smoothbore gun series used in the T-64, T-72, T-80, M-84, T-90, PT-91, T-14 Armata, and other tanks derived from those designs, as well as the 2A45 Sprut anti-tank gun.
2A46 125 mm gun - Wikipedia
The 2A46 (also called D-81TM) is a 125 mm/L48 smoothbore cannon of Soviet origin used in several main battle tanks. It was designed by OKB-9 (Artillery Plant No. 9) in Yekaterinburg. It was developed by the Spetstekhnika Design Bureau in Ekaterinburg in the 1960s originally for the T …
2A26 (125 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 125 mm 2A26 is a Soviet tank cannon used exclusively on the T-64A in-game, the 2A26 gives a sign on what is to come with the 125 mm ammunition with the Soviet tech tree. Tell us about the tactical and technical characteristics of the cannon or machine gun.
苏联/俄罗斯125mm坦克炮弹药简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
苏联/俄罗斯2A46 125mm坦克炮弹药主要分为三类,从左到右依次是 APFSDS 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹、HE高爆榴弹、 HEAT-FS 尾翼稳定破甲弹,由于125mm主炮采用分装弹药,每一发炮弹分为弹头和主发射药筒两部分。 一、APFSDS尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹. APFSDS弹头不同于其他两种弹头,由于APFSDS是动能弹,所以弹头上带辅助装药,以提高炮口动能,弹体外部采用可燃桶。 APFSDS弹体基本结构是3片式弹托和5片式尾翼,弹托主要特点是结构非常简单,弹托质量 …
苏联t72坦克详解③ - 哔哩哔哩
T-72配备125毫米滑膛D-81T加农炮,也称为2A26和2A46,这款火炮起源于u-5ts115mm滑膛炮。 当炮塔面向前方时,火炮可以升高+14度或下压到-6度,但是当炮塔面向后部时,火炮能升高+17但只能下压到-3度,对于欧洲的地形而言,t72的俯仰角没有什么问题,而且相对于其它 ...
2A26 - NamuWiki
2024年11月2日 · It is the first 125mm caliber smoothbore gun developed in the Soviet Union . It was used as the main gun of the T-64 A tank, and development began in 1961. Including the 2A46, which was developed as an improved version, all newly developed 125mm smoothbore guns in Eastern Europe are based on the 2A26. Also called D-81.
2A26 125mm cannon - Russian Military Wiki
The 2A26 125mm gun was first and only used on the early T-64 MBT. It is the largest caliber gun on an MBT before the 2A46.
2A46坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-64A 和 T-72 採用的主炮 2A26坦克炮 (俄语:2А26) (又稱:D-81)以後,操作經驗顯示新型125毫米滑膛式坦克炮表現不佳。 由於炮管壁比 线膛炮 要薄,炮管一直受到天氣因素的影響而出現炮管歪曲,對其射擊 精度 產生了不良的影響。 另據透露,其後座緩衝系統的設計亦較為差劣。 由於熱膨脹後座緩衝裝置和反沖補償空氣形成了液體的混合物,結果導致武器不均勻地回滾,進而令精度顯著降低。 為了解決 2A26坦克炮 (俄语:2А26) 的不足之處,於是開始了其現代化 …