Developing a 2A3 SET - diyAudio
2022年8月11日 · The 2A3 input capacitance including the Miller Effect capacitance is about 57.75 pF, just as was stated by jhstewart9. However, the triple parallel impedance that that 57.75 pF "sees" is: The very high plate impedance, rp, of the 6C6; the 250k Ohm 6C6 plate load resistor; and the 500k 2A3 g1 resistor to ground.
HIFIDIY论坛-谈谈2A3这只管 - Powered by Discuz!
2009年12月12日 · 实际使用搭配上有两种是非常好听的,一是前面用0。1的vq,后面用0。1的m-cap银摸,当然2a3的栅阻用360k比较好,这种搭配声音厚实有凝聚力,并且不缺松弛自然,是听jazz的最佳选择。 二是前后都用0。22的jenen铜,这是听人声、钢琴的最佳选择。
JE Labs Arkiv (up to 2008): Radiotron SE2A3 - Blogger
2012年8月5日 · The 6C6>2A3 or equivalent pentode input/driver circuit is what I would consider a "highish" sensitivity design requiring less than 1 volt from a typical line level source e.g. CD player, to drive it to full output.
Developing a 2A3 SET | Page 2 - diyAudio
2022年8月11日 · For the 2A3, you might change the coupling cap to 0.22uF and the grid resistor to 330k, also increase the cathode bypass cap to 100uF. Suggest trying the 6C6 mods first, see if you like them, and if so do the 2A3 mods, usual one thing at a time mantra.
Radiotron SE 2A3 Input 6C6 Question - Audiokarma Home Audio …
2018年9月20日 · I've never used a 6C6 but . . . maybe try it wired in triode? The data sheet has specs for it wired in triode. https://tubedata.altanatubes.com.br/sheets/127/6/6C6.pdf. I realize everyone sees things differently but in my mind that wouldn't be molesting the design any more than switching from a 2A3 to a 300B.
rca 77=rca 6c6,谁的声音更好呢? - 『胆艺轩音响技术论坛』 - 胆 …
2006年10月22日 · 在rca手册上,有一款示范电路就是用6c6管来推2a3单端,因此我觉得就用6c6来做不会有太大的问题,6c6也等同于6j7等等一些管子,在具体的电路结构与参数设置上,可以借鉴这些管的应用状态,前些年,论坛上也有位朋友(西贝春江)实作过6c6-2a3单端,据说效 …
HIFIDIY论坛-哪类管推300B和2A3效果好 - Powered by Discuz!
2021年11月4日 · 300b和2a3 不能放在一块讨论。 假设人为认定300B的推动难度是“1”,那么2A3只有0.6左右。 能切实推好300B的管子很少,包括神乎其神的所谓“绝配”310A
Developing a 2A3 SET | Page 3 - diyAudio
2022年8月11日 · At this power, a 2A3 SE amplifier will have 400x headroom. If 8 mW is a normal listening level, then slew rate doesn't matter, just RC low pass of 2A3's Miller capacitance limiting HF response. This is how you get away with feeble driver tubes like 6SL7 or 57/6C6. BTW, 57 is better than 6C6 design-wise because, like 2A3, it has 2.5 V heater.
2A3、45与4P1S三极接法的比较 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2015年2月21日 · 2a3号称胆之原祖,因为性能优秀,自1932年rca发布以来,历经80余年,至今仍有厂家生产。其实2a3还有一个前辈,即45号电子管。45的屏耗较小,输出功率只及2a3的一半,但据说 ... 2a3、45与4p1s三极接法的比较 ,矿石收音机论坛
2A3?还是2A3C? - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
2012年2月24日 · 我们知道,大多数2a3都用两级6sn7推,请教两位版主和各位烧友,根据你们的听音经验,两级6sn7推2a3是否要好于其他结构的电路,如用其他管子推2a3,那种管子比较好声?