2A3 Kondensator 2P - Wikipedia
The 2A3 Kondensator 2P (Russian: 2А3 «Конденсатор» – "Condenser" or "Capacitor") was a Soviet 406 mm self-propelled howitzer. Its GRAU designation is 2A3.
2B1 Oka - Wikipedia
2B1 Oka, (Russian: "2Б1 Ока" - "Oka River"), is a Soviet 420 mm (17 in) self-propelled heavy mortar. 2B1 is its GRAU designation. It was designed to deliver tactical nuclear payloads, however it was plagued by technical issues caused by the sheer size of the gun and the massive recoil during firing.
2A3 Kondensator 2P (1957) - tank-afv.com
The Soviet cold war 2A3 Kondensator was a short career syper-heavy self propelled howitzer able to fire tactical atomic shells.
2A3 Kondensator/Capacitor-2P - self-propelled artillery
According to the decree of the USSR Council of Ministers dated 18 November 1955, work began on the mortar carrier 2B1 "Oka" and self-propelled gun 2A3 "capacitor-2P". The gun was designed to...
2021年10月14日 · 1957年,基洛夫工厂组装了4辆2B1“Oka”,它与口径稍小的2A3一起参加了红场阅兵,两款重型自行火炮夸张的尺寸引起巨大的轰动,对此一些外国记者认为这是苏联的阴谋骗局,是苏联故意打造如此夸张的模型以达到让人敬畏苏联军工科技的效果,他们哪里知道造 ...
2B1 "Oka" ("Transformer") Mortar - GlobalSecurity.org
Self-propelled mortar 2B1 "Oka" was developed in the middle of the 1950s simultaneously in two design bureaus: the artillery unit was engaged in Kolomenskoye SKV engineering, and the chassis ...
2B1 Oka: The Self-Propelled Gun with a Fatal Flaw - Tank Historia
2022年6月6日 · 2B1 Oka Engineers were tasked with creating a mobile artillery system that could fire a nuclear shell out to a range of almost 30 miles (45 km). This was no easy task, reflected by the sheer ridiculousness of what they produced.
2A3、45与4P1S三极接法的比较 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2015年2月21日 · 2a3号称胆之原祖,因为性能优秀,自1932年rca发布以来,历经80余年,至今仍有厂家生产。 其实2A3还有一个前辈,即45号电子管。 45的屏耗较小,输出功率只及2A3的一半,但据说 ... 2A3、45与4P1S三极接法的比较 ,矿石收音机论坛
草草设计了一个6J9+2A3电路,哪位有兴趣试试 - 〓电子管技术区 …
2012年4月13日 · 我看了些帖子和杂志,很多2a3 电路都是用6n8p、9p推动的。 其实这是很勉强的。 6N9P(6SL7)虽然放大系数很大,但是 由于阳极电压的现在,造成了 特性的线性段应用有限,很难胜任 大动态的输出。