2A3 PSE - Parallel Single Ended - Audio Design Guide
This project born to test the 2A3 tubes and I have created a reference amplifier better than the previous with 300B. The main results should match these items: top sonic performances
New 2A3 PSE - Audio Design Guide
New 2A3 PSE by Andrea Ciuffoli - starting in the November 2007 INTRODUCTION. The targets of this project are the following: simple and cheap; hi-end performances; a low distortion to 4-5w on 8 ohm; good damping factor with a Rout < 2 ohm; only 2 stage but no interstage transformer. to be cheap; enough sensibility to be used without a preamp.
2A3 PSE amp with interstage transformers - Venue | diyAudio
2022年9月30日 · Uses Monolith Magnetics nanocrystalline interstage transformers, Electraprint silver output transformers with custom tertiary winding, Wein bridge oscillator circuit for a high-frequency filament supply (~44khz VAC for the 2a3 tubes). Case was custom designed by me in Fusion and then Protocase brought it to life.
World Premiere: Triode Lab’s 2A3PSE Power Amplifier
2015年1月24日 · In this form the PSE retails for $5999 USD. Triode Lab offers two levels above this, based around either the James or Hashimoto transformers; plus tube upgrades and the aforementioned paint options – basically they’ll customize the build to what the customer wants.
Configuring 2A3 Driver for 2A3 PSE - diyAudio
The 2A3 is certainly not the champion of linearity among DHT's however, by general standard, is still very good. You can get 8W with THD within 5% from a PSE easily! Carefully selecting tubes it can be 3% and get a bit more power.
Next Amp: 2a3PSE, 300B or KT88SE UL - diyAudio
2006年3月9日 · I'm personally going with 2a3 and/or 845 because they're cheap in basic Sovtek or Chinese flavour, and I prefer a thinner more focussed sound than the usual 300b amp. Depends what sonic flavour you like - big and warm or clean and precise. Also speakers, source equipment, room size, listening material etc - what are they?
Silver Night Anniversary 2A3 - Audion
2015年5月20日 · The PSE is often referred to as a data retrieval machine, we prefer to think that it is not too analytical, but very clean and musical and very transparent. The 2A3 even more so, with 4 more active supply stages to ensure quietness, speed and resolution, the Silver Night is aimed at very efficient speakers and quality, tonality and musicality
A 2A3 Parallel Single Ended Amplifier by PAEng - Libero Community
A 2A3’s PSE Amplifier (click on images for enlargement) A structurally simple but effective design about a powerful and “cheap” Parallel Single Ended power amplifier is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. As a rule a 2A3’s PSE yields 7-8 Watts in Class A1 operation with 5% of THD and 10 Watts in Class A2 operation with greater distortion.
Used Triode Labs 2A3 PSE for Sale | HifiShark.com
Used Triode Labs 2A3 Pse for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability
Ampli PSE 2A3 Classe A2 de 20W - forum bleu
2019年6月23日 · Séduit par son montage, je me suis mis à rêver d’un PSE 2A3 classe A2 avec 20w à la sortie. Après avoir échangé avec Shucondo et comme il semble favorable à cette réalisation, j’ouvre ce sujet pour clarifier 2-3 questions que j’ai sur ce montage et avoir vos suggestions pour le peaufiner.