List of 2A3 SE Circuit Designs? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo ...
2012年12月10日 · My daily driver is a RH (alex kitic) style sv83 pentode amp. Cheap tubes, at least when I bought them. Now I will admit, it is a bit over the top with lundahl iron, regulated driver and screens, but it sounds really good, and competes with, and gives very little ground, to a 2a3 set, a couple of 300b sets, or pp 2a3 amps sitting near by.
EL84 triode as driver tube vs SV83, 6P15P.... - diyAudio
2020年9月1日 · Last 15 years I tried a dozed tubes as driver in my home made 300b se. 6V6, El84, 2A3, 12BY7, E180F, E810F etc. As Rod mentioned I got best sound from EF80 triode strapped. Plate voltage 180 volt at 10ma. 300B plate voltage 357 volt at 50ma. Crystal clear and lush sound-nirvana at last.
人工智能推荐的2a3单端电路 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论 …
2025年1月31日 · 以下是一个经典的 **2A3单端(Single-Ended, Class A)电子管功放电路图**,采用自给偏压设计,适合DIY制作。 电路结构简单,音色温暖,适合推动高灵敏度音箱。
SV83 vs EL84 - diyAudio
2009年1月26日 · There is evidence which suggests the SV83 is identical in construction to the 6p14p (which is equivalent to EL84). The suspicion is that the SV83's lower voltage ratings were put on paper to support one of its other rated characteristics (long life, or low distortion, or something like that).
IWISTAO BLOGGER : Brief of Vacuum Tube Models and Replacement
2017年2月10日 · Brief of Vacuum Tube Models and Replacement. The blog collects some tube models and give them a brief, also you can do a simple replacement, but for details, you need search them and get detailed parameters and curve. 2A3–power triode, used in single-ended hi-fi amps. Still made in China.
院长版2A3 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2024年12月15日 · 蹭热度利用手头闲置的元器件,花了二天时间搭了一台2a3,调校时还摔碎一个喜万年6sn7,岀声个人评价是优于大多数2a3线路,高频不输300b也很出彩, 院长版2a3 ,矿石收音机论坛
跨年制作--2A3单端 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2024年12月12日 · 随着春节的临近,我期待着这台采用现代PCB设计的2A3胆机能够完美呈现,不仅在音质上,更在工艺上,为新的一年带来一份特别的礼物。 这将是一次技术的飞跃,也是对传统工艺的一次致敬。 张总出手,必出好声。 这个一定要跟踪观摩学习。 装好以后可以对比一下两个电路的声音。 来学习学习! 张总别总是把摸我的事说出来好吗! 这样我会很不好意思的,而且您这一摸还是十几天 这样不好吧! 赶紧加油做机,别老摸来摸去了,我们还等您的结果呢! 张 …
Sunaudio SV-2A3 - 悅聲音響 REFERENCE AUDIO
SUNAUDIO SV-2A3 is a very interesting amplifier having a pair of output transformers with 2.5Kohm and 3.5Kohm on the primary, and the power transformer has taps on the filament windings(0-2.5V-6.3V). Therefore it can be modified to suit various types of tubes including the famous 45,300B,KT88 and other european such as AD1, RE604 tubes etc.
2A3究竟用什么管子推好? - 『胆艺轩音响技术论坛』 - 胆艺 …
2006年10月20日 · 我当初做2A3的时候也遇到过和你一样的问题,个人做过6SN7GT、12AX7、6V6、6J7推2A3,最终使用6J7一极推2A3,将6J7的屏极电阻从100K降到82.5K,无负反馈状态下的测试频响10HZ-15KHZ -1db,10HZ-20KHZ -2.5db,改用3极管推动时高频指标好多了,曾经试过将信号直接从2A3的输入点送入,测试的结果是10HZ-20KHZ -0.35db和我买的输出牛的指标基本接近,可见推动管的容抗对高频指标的影响,但就听感我个人还是喜欢5极管推的声音,有韵味, …
My latest and greatest amp SE DC coupled 2A3 Parafeed
2024年4月23日 · EL84 driver but tried SV83 last night. Hazen mod soon on the SV83. Also 6p43p-e works. Too little time with the SV83 and 6p43p-e to make remarks on the sound. Lovely piece of kit, well done. Thank you! I am quite proud I have to admit.