152 mm howitzer 2A65 Msta-B - Wikipedia
The 2A65 "Msta-B" (named from the Msta River) is a Soviet towed 152.4 mm howitzer. The "B" in the designation is an abbreviation for Buksiruyemaya, which means towed. This weapon has been fielded in Soviet forces since at least 1987 and as of 2022 is currently in service with Russian front and army level artillery units, as well as the ...
152-mm towed howitzer Msta-B (2A65) | Artillery - Military …
2025年1月24日 · The towed 152-mm howitzer Msta-B (2A65) was built according to the classic scheme for artillery guns. The howitzer received a monoblock barrel equipped with a three-chamber cast muzzle brake and a semi-automatic vertical wedge gate, barrel length - 53 caliber.
152-mm towed howitzer Msta-B (2А65) - Военное обозрение
2016年9月23日 · The 152 mm howitzer "Msta-B" (GRAU index - 2A65) can be considered the last in a long line of post-war field howitzers of Soviet design. At the same time, much less is known about it than about the 152 mm self-propelled howitzer 2S19 "Msta-S", it can be said that the towed version is in the shadow of the self-propelled unit.
2A65式152mm榴弹炮 - 百度百科
20世纪70年代中期 苏联 开始研制一种新型牵引式榴弹炮,定型后命名为姆斯塔-Б2A65式152毫米榴弹炮,也被称为姆斯塔- Б式,北约则称之为 M1987 式。 该炮1985年开始批量生产,20世纪80年代中期列装,主要用于实施全般火力支援和直接火力支援 [1]。 1、采用双室 炮口制退器,半自动楔式炮闩,反后坐装置为液压气体式。 火炮上装有小型防盾。 2、双速齿弧形高低机和双速螺杆式方向机,以及直接瞄准具和间接瞄准具安装在火炮的左侧。 3、大架为开脚式结构,每个 …
2020年12月28日 · 2A65式152mm榴弹炮军方全称为姆斯塔-B 2A65式152毫米榴弹炮,北约代号为M1987 式152毫米榴弹炮,由苏联中央设计局设计,正式批量生产时间为1985年,于1986年投入使用,在第二年西方国家获得情报资料,所以北约给其代号为M1987榴弹炮。
2A65 MSTA-B - Army Guide
In addition to the towed 152 mm 2A36 gun covered in detail in a separate entry, Russia also deployed a new 152 mm towed howitzer, designated the 2A65, which was allocated the NATO designation of the M1987. This was the year that the weapon was first identified by …
MSTA-B-full review-specifications
The 2A65 152-mm howitzer, developed in 1987, is a powerful artillery gun mounted on a split carriage. It rests on three points: a hydraulic jack at the front and two shovels at the rear. On each of the rails of the box section is a wheel to facilitate the preparation of the gun for firing.
红色重锤之苏联2A65式152mm榴弹炮 - 哔哩哔哩
本期要讲的是苏联2A65“MSTA-B”152mm牵引榴弹炮。 这是目前俄罗斯武装力量的主力军属榴弹炮,也是2S19自行榴弹炮榴弹炮的主炮。 在大约70年代后,苏联武装力量炮兵工程局根据情报做出判断:西方国家已经开始研制45倍径和52倍径155榴弹炮,如果研制成功,苏联 ...
全球装备鉴赏——苏联2A65 Msta-B牵引榴弹炮 - 哔哩哔哩
2a65也是2a19自走炮(spg)火炮车上的主要武器。 2A19自走炮 由于俄罗斯人和乌克兰人都对2A65系统进行了投资,因此它在顿巴斯地区的战斗中都有特色(“ 顿巴斯战争”,2014年至今)。
2A65 (M1987) 152-mm Towed Gun-Howitzer - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年11月7日 · The towed, nuclear-capable 152-mm field gun M1976, along with its self- propelled counterpart 2S5, replaced the 130-mm field gun M-46 in gun battalions organic to artillery regiments and...