不能再犹豫了,一定要出重拳——苏联152毫米坦克炮发展史 - 哔 …
20世纪90年代,乌拉尔厂在开发了一款新的152毫米火炮,被称为2a83。 安装在B-4榴弹炮炮架上的2A83火炮(新时代BR-2了属于是) 原本乌拉尔厂内部有一个新型主战坦克计划叫做195工程,一开始是计划装130毫米高膛压滑膛坦克炮的,后来不知道什么原因变成了152毫米 ...
Overkill: Of 152mm cannons on Russian MBTs - Armored Warfare
2018年1月8日 · The 2A83 gun was developed roughly at the same time as the LP-83, but by a different company – the Plant No.9 in Yekaterinburg. It was a 55 calibers long automatically loaded smoothbore gun. Thanks to its large charge, it was possible to fire APFSDS shells from it with velocities of up to 2000 m/s.
152-mm gun for T-14: relevance and prospects
2016年10月1日 · As the 152-mm gun for the T-14 tank, the 2А83 cannon, the modernized gun of the Msta-S self-propelled gun 2А65, developed by the same Yekaterinburg plant No. 9, is considered. Performance characteristics of 152-mm gun 2А83:
152 mm Cannon for T-14: Actuality and Perspectives
2016年10月17日 · As a 152 mm cannon for T-14 tank, we are reviewing 2A83 cannon, an updated 2А65 gun Msta-S SPAS also designed by Yekaterinburg Plant No. 9. Specifications of the 2А83 152 mm cannon: Cannon type: Smoothbore with chrome-plated barrel; Weight – more than 5,000 kg; Barrel length – 7,200 mm; Muzzle velocity – 1,980 m/s; Effective range:
T-14 Armata Main Battle Tank (2014)
The 2A83 152 mm gun is currently indeed in development. It was at first designed in 2000 for the T-95 and fires a tailored high-speed APFSDS shell, to 1,980 m/s. Russian engineers however moderated the upgrade likeness, arguing that the larger caliber only brings limited improvements into an already winning recipe and in general, a larger ...
Russia developing 152 mm tank gun and small battlefield nuclear weapons
2017年4月12日 · Russia in considering upgrading future T-14 main battle tnks to use the 2A83 152 mm gun instead of its current 2A82 125 mm gun. The 2A83 gun has a high-speed APFSDS shell with a 1,980 m/s muzzle velocity, only dropping to 1,900 m/s at 2 km.
Objekt 195 / T-95 MBT - GlobalSecurity.org
The Object 195 represented a major departure from the previous Soviet designs as it was armed with a different 152mm gun called 2A83, installed in an unmanned turret. The 2A83 gun was...
T-95主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-95 是一款正在研發中的 俄羅斯 主战坦克,由 T-90 发展而来。 該車擬搭載 2A83 152mm 滑膛砲,可能裝載世上前所未有的大口徑炮,因此配有高自動化裝彈和小型化的無人炮塔以減輕重量。 俄斯維爾德洛夫斯克州工業科學部部長亞歷山大·彼得羅夫在2010年舉行的新聞發佈會上宣佈T-95已經研發成功,專用的炮射導彈將成為T-95的王牌武器,可準確命中7000米之外的敵方坦克。 車上配有已經在T-90應用的「競技場-1」硬殺式主動防禦系統,可以擊落來襲的小型 反坦克導 …
2021年7月26日 · 2A83 152mm 滑膛炮是目前我们已知,前所未有的大口径坦克炮,配有自动化装弹和小型化的无人炮塔以减轻重量。 这款火炮搭配专用的炮射导弹,可以准确命中7000米之外的敌方坦克。
2019年9月17日 · 未来的t-14阿塔玛主战坦克配备的152毫米坦克炮,是全新的2a83式152毫米口径滑膛炮,这是迄今配装作战坦克的最具杀伤力的火炮。 俄国专家高度评价了152毫米的穿甲弹和爆破榴弹的作战潜力。
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