Combat Guide (2B/A2) - Possible Attacks, Animations and Tips
2017年5月13日 · Here you can find all the possible moves that can be done on 2B and A2, how to do them and recordings of them with every possible weapon type. I have split the guide into four sections (Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks, Extra Moves and Differences between 2B and A2), because there are a lot of things worth mentioning.
Nier Automata's 2B goes viral once again thanks to a fighting …
2024年2月24日 · Nier Automata's robot-warrior queen 2B has joined the roster of fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus - and the collaboration is obviously going viral because of discussion around 2B's, err,...
YoRHa No.2 Type B | NIER Wiki | Fandom
YoRHa No.2 Type B, or just 2B, is one of the protagonists of NieR:Automata. She is a YoRHa android created to battle the Machine lifeforms that have invaded the planet on behalf of the surviving humans. She served during the 14th Machine War. 2B is an all-purpose battle android, deployed as a member of the automated YoRHa infantry.
2B vs Machines | NieR: Automata Ver1.1a - YouTube
Ep 1: 2B battles against the machines! Watch NieR: Automata Ver1.1a on Crunchyroll! https://got.cr/cc-nier1Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips...
NieR:Automata 2B vs Adam full fight - YouTube
2017年3月10日 · NeiR automata vs adam
2B | Granblue Fantasy Versus Wiki | Fandom
2B's role was to ensure that 9S would not discover the true nature of Project YoRHa by executing him in case he dug too deep because of the natural curiosity programmed into him. Over the course of hundreds of operations, 2B was forced to kill 9S and wipe his memory countless times, an act that she came to hate for the pain it caused her after ...
2B Announced for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising | TFG Fighting …
2023年12月23日 · Watch 2B's announce trailer from CyGames (English), below. During the event, Cygames also announced two new Granblue characters will be joining Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising in 2024. The latest newcomers announced for the roster are Beatrix and Vane .
2B (Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising / SoulCalibur 6)
YoRHa No.2 Type B (Battle) or simply "2B" is the main protagonist of NieR: Automata. She made her fighting game debut as a guest character in SoulCalibur VI (2018). In 2024, 2B made yet another fighting game guest appearance, joining the roster of Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising .
2B from Nier Automata is the 2nd DLC character for Granblue ... - Reddit
2B appearing as a guest in two awesome fighting games is really amazing. NieR Automata deserves to get as much representation as possible.
2B Fighting Game Fans : r/nier - Reddit
2023年12月23日 · I'm really enjoy her movesets transition from Soul Calibur 6 3D Moveset to GBVS Rising 2D Moveset are you ready for 2B fighting game fans to enjoy played as her. Nice to meet you and enjoy the 2B Fans.